Halloween Party this year?

Are you having a Halloween Party? Discuss ideas here!

Will you be hosting a Halloween party this year?

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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by iHaunt » Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:02 pm

Pumpkin_Man wrote: I will definately do my best to post the pics. It's not goint to be a huge blow-out, but I love to do it, and I love a good conflageration.

My gf will take pics, also my step brother and sister will take pics of my haunt display during the daytime. I believe I will post here in October.

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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by iHaunt » Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:57 pm

Well.... one more to say here.... with all the haunts I attend I usually do not have time to host a party, but usually attend a couple...

I hope, and we hope to do it at my house this year!! :D

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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by HalloweenDot » Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:46 pm

We're going to be throwing a big one - hopefully 500-800 people to raise money for cancer research. This will be in the Jacksonville, FL area. We'll see in 3-4 weeks actually how many we get. ;-)

Pictures will definitely be posted.

I may post some pictures of the venue as it is now and then see what suggestions people have and see if they are better than what we were thinking! (No doubt some will be!)
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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by iHaunt » Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:39 am

Let's hear from HalloweenCom!!

Clap hands!!! :D

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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by Amanda » Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:38 pm

I have a friend who decorates her house inside and out, does a walk thru (early for kids and late with "extras" for adults).
This year she is adding the 3rd floor of her house.
She charges a small fee and all money collected goes for Cancer research.
She even gets volunteers to be part of her set.
She has a funeral in the front room (in progress as you walk thru), a dining room, butcher's kitchen, suicidal bathroom and lots more.
I took the kids early last year and she goes all out.

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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by Murfreesboro » Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:48 pm

I can't imagine letting random people walk through my house, but it sounds like your friend is doing it for a good cause!

I won't be hosting a party, but I will be decorating. I have so much stuff stockpiled that it won't cost me much to do that.

My 13-yr-old daughter will be TOTing with a friend in another neighborhood, but I am not invited, apparently :( So I'm going to have to figure out how I am spending the big night! I may just costume and stroll the streets, witnessing the fun. There are some houses around here that really do go all out. I hate to miss them.

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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by witchy » Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:14 am

I think I'd borrow a neighbors kid or go with a friend that has young ones. It's a thought!! :wink:

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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by Murfreesboro » Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:39 am

It's a great thought. Unfortunately, we don't live in that kind of neighborhood. Several people are retirement age, the young woman next door is a singleton, three guys on the other side are bachelors. The folks across the street have kids a-plenty, but they are Muslims (immigrants from Palestine), and they don't do Halloween at all. Don't even answer the door that night.

We are the only house in our block that decorates for the holiday, but about two blocks down and around the corner, there is one street that does a Halloween extravaganza every year--the whole street. I can easily stroll down there to observe the fun. Also, the main street of our town, in the historic district, is truly amazing and a must-see every Halloween. :)

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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by shanda » Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:02 pm

We don't have close neighbors. I live on a very busy street that is unwalkable. What I have done the last 2 years on Halloween is make it worth stopping and parking! It's great! Last year I had families stopping and taking their costumed kid's pictures in front of my house! This year I am going to add a photo spot for visitors. A place to stand or sit for pix.

Stand out on your street. Make them come to you!!

If you decorate it, they will come!
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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by Murfreesboro » Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:48 pm

I believe you are right, Shanda. We live on a busy street that is not good for walking, either, but last year we did attract several TOTers even so, because I had decorated more than usual.

At least, if the street is busy, lots of people pass by and see what you've done.

My daughter just found out tonight that she can't TOT with her friend after all--friend's family is going out of town that weekend for some family thing. Daughter & her friend are very disappointed, but I told her I'd take her out anyway, and she seemed agreeable to that. :D

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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by shanda » Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:08 pm

That's good! My dd wouldn't go without her brother last year. She was so sad Halloween night. We stayed home and gave out candy, which perked her up some.

She said she was going with or without him this year. She's 11.
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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by Murfreesboro » Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:32 am

Oh, childhood Halloweens are precious. I was so sad when my older boy gave up TOTing in the 7th grade. He had just turned 12. Now, however, as a college senior, he is the one who organizes his dorm mates to do the fun stuff, like going to haunted houses, etc. He still has the spirit.

Middle son would still TOT, I think, at 17, if his high school schedule permitted it. He last went when he was 15. Last year he had to play in a band competition, IIRC.

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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by iHaunt » Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:37 pm

Ok, we need some new food and drink ideas....

Anyone done with the cat litter cake, meat head, brain molds, and sausage as intestines before? Know of a good recipe website with pics? GROSS ones preferably! ;)

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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:25 pm

I actualy did have my party. Unfortunately I never got around to taking any photos. As a photographer that's not a good thing to forget, but none the less I did.

I guess I'll have to wait until next year.


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Re: Halloween Party this year?

Post by MarkSpencer » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:28 pm

My neighbours doesnt celebrate Halloween, so i have nobody for party, although i will go somewere to party, but i don't know for now.

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