Halloween/Birthday Party

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Halloween/Birthday Party

Post by ZACTAK » Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:32 am

Hey everyone!

My 25th birthday is five days before Halloween. I am planning to have a Halloween/Birthday party the Saturday before Halloween, which is the day before Halloween. I was planning on having a graveyard type theme, however I found these '25' swirl things that hang down. I am wanting to incorporate a small silver theme, as 25 years is signified by silver into my graveyard theme. If the main theme colors will be orange and black, will the silver clash with my ideas? Also, if so, is there a way I can include some birthday type things into the mix? I am also planning to have a birthday cake that has absolutely nothing to do with my theme.. will that hurt anything?

This is the first Halloween party I am ever going to have, so any other ideas or tips you have would be great! I am planning to have the party start around 10PM, having finger foods, a birthday cake, chocolate fondue, a costume contest, and a lot of alcohol. Thanks!

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Re: Halloween/Birthday Party

Post by StationeryGuy » Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:43 pm

I would say that silver is unlikely to clash with any Halloween colors, in fact it is close enough in color to fog, smoke, tomb stones etc. that you can incorporate it subtly in those places.

If the birthday cake is white, use black light to make it more "in theme" and funky.
If there are any gift boxes or items given out, they can be placed in mini coffins

Hopefully some of this will help!

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Re: Halloween/Birthday Party

Post by DemonSlayerMau » Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:24 pm

lol...you could always have one of those kitty litter cakes for your birthday cake!


Naw I think the silver would look fine.
This probably seems crazy, crazy, a graveyard theory,
A ghost tried to approach me and got leery.
Ask him a question and he vanished in a second...

~ From a Ghost's Pumpkin Soup (Pumpkin Hill zone theme Song from Sonic Adventure 2) ~

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Re: Halloween/Birthday Party

Post by ZACTAK » Sat Sep 20, 2008 6:24 am

Thanks for your replies :) I never actually thought gravestones - gray/silver.. I guess it just kind of slipped my mind.

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