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IM new here and i LOVE this site

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:37 am
by wendythewitch
my husband and i have an annual party and this will be our 7th, here are a few ideas we have used: the last few years we instituted a theme. before that we just dressed up and decorated a bit. now our party has grown and our decorations too. our first theme was "scary", and most people dressed as some sort of ghoul. we made an autopsy room with beakers and a body bag., i hung cheap plastic white table cloths from a rope line to look like hospital curtains and to block out the actual real furniture in the room. in the bathroom we put body parts in the tub kind of poking out of a trash bag with an axe leaning against the tub.
we had a "royal" party last year where my husband i were the queen and king. i got our costumes at wal-mart for less than $20 each. of course i bought lots of jewelry as accessories too. i made a throne area with two chairs and made backdrop out of table cloths to look like tied back curtains. there was a large skull face hanging in the center just above the chairs.
this years theme is "prison". i plan on being a lady cop and hubby will be the prisoner. were building an electric chair out of plywood and some 2x4's. i saw one on regis and kelly last year, it had a funnel as the part that goes on the head with a string of rope lights from the top of it to look like the electric probe, we have this friend who is on the large size who plans on coming as a prison "bitch", complete with the breast tattoos on his back. i hope to convince someone to come as a detective. i saw a costume for one and all it really is, is a moustouche and sunglasses, a badge and pocket protector. i figure my son will probably like to do that since he doesnt care that much to dress up. another idea is an insane prisoner with a straight jacket and face mask on the lines of "silence of the lambs". im planning on re-using the coffin from the scary theme to make a funeral parlor in the living room with folding chairs and putting the coffin up on a table to mimic one you would see in a parlor. i'll need flower arrangments, i figure i'll buy lots of cheap ones at the dollar tree store. we'll probably make the autopsy room again.

Re: IM new here and i LOVE this site

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:15 am
by adrian
sounds like you guys have a lot of fun at these parties and preparing for them!! do you have any pics from last year? or the year before that? we'd love to see them :)

Re: IM new here and i LOVE this site

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:30 am
by wendythewitch
i do, but i dont think they are still on the pc, and i doubt if i could find the cd. i posted them on my myspace page if you'd like to take a look, my page isnt private. my name is wendy higginbotham from ohio. i think the url is wendylee815/ ( im kind of "internet stupid"...) feel free to check them out. i only wish i had taken more pics of the decorations.

Re: IM new here and i LOVE this site

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:34 am
by adrian
ok cool :) yea i've got myspace as well :) i'll def check em out

Re: IM new here and i LOVE this site

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:47 am
by wendythewitch
you know what? i havent seem them for a im gonna go back and take a look! hee hee