I could use some costume help!!!
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:24 am
Last year I wanted to go as Barf the half Man, half Dog(He is a Mog) character from the movie Spaceballs but I had a hard time with getting the costume together. Namely I couldnt find coveralls or a jumpsuit or whatever you want to call it for the main part of the costume and also had a very very tough time finding something to use as his fur. Not to mention the problems I had with the ears and tail for the costume. It seemed like I was doomed from the start so I had to bail on the idea but this year I am getting an early start and am going to work at it until I think it is just right. I am on here looking for ideas, suggestions, tips and anything else anyone can give me to help me out. Thanks to this wonderful little tool known as the internet I was on some military surplus websites and got myself a flightsuit nice and cheap that works perfectly for the costume. The parts I think I am again going to struggle on this year is finding "fur" that looks close to what Barf had in the movie without having to go sell blood to afford the stuff. I have the ears and tail that I made last year for the costume but I just was not happy with the way either turned out so I am looking for ideas and ways to upgrade them. I mean basically I know what I want to do, all you have to do is watch Spaceballs or google it to find pics of Barf, I am just having trouble getting to where I would like to be and being happy with it. Who knows maybe I am too picky but anyways please any help or suggestions anyone can offer up would be awesome and greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.