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hair and makeup for mrs. lovett.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 2:44 pm
by autumnbr33ze
hey, guys! i figured if there was one place i could get feedback about my makeup/hair practice for halloween, it'd be here [:

i'm planning on adding more white to the base makeup but i don't have any at all right now, so i just used flour [:

here we go:

Re: hair and makeup for mrs. lovett.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:51 pm
by jadewik
I think your hair is too kempt to look like Lovett's, which is ratty... but... I tend to like more kempt hair, and I do like the way you've pinned it up, so you could just use your variation. =)

The only other suggestion I'd have would be to put more of the darker makeup below your eyes to give then a hollow, sleep deprived and starved look. You might also consider adding a little shading below your cheek bones (just below where you'd normally apply blush) to give your face a more sallow look.

... and... your lips are far too red. They look vibrant and full of life. I'd colour them with a pale pink or even a grey colour.

Here's a good reference photo of Sweeney Todd on imdb:

Re: hair and makeup for mrs. lovett.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:23 pm
by autumnbr33ze
ah, thanks so much!

Re: hair and makeup for mrs. lovett.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:31 pm
by carriewhite410
Your whole costume and makeup thing kinda depends on the version of Lovett you want to do. Me and my best friend were both Lovett last Halloween, but i was the revival version and she was the obc version.

OBC: Her colors are a little less dark, and consists more of greens, reds, and blacks. Her hair is a bit messy, and is a little harder to do.
REVIVAL: She's all dark colors, but not gothic looking. Light shades of black, or thin layers, are the best for makeup, along with REALLY bright red lipstick. Her hair is pretty much just down, so it's easier
BURTON: This is definately the gothic look, so makeup would need lots of blacks, browns, and grays. The eyes would need a lot of black to look sunken in. No bright colors, and blush would help with the unkept poor look. Keep the same color tones even if your doing the second act costume.

There's my help. I hope your costume comes out great. I had a lot of fun with Lovett last year (i was second act Revival Lovett, top hat and all), she's definately a unique character.