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Pirate Costume: 2009
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 1:35 pm
by jadewik
I've been working on my pirate costume since February and I finally have enough of my costume done to make some show of it.... still a lot left to do though. I have trim to sew on the coat... buttons... and other hand-sewing things I still need to do to the coat.
My co-worker just suggested I need a bandana... so I'll roll with that (cause I agree). I'm also going to use my silk sash from my Persian costume... which I might rob for other parts (
Photo of that costume here)
I'm also planning on making a shirt out of muslin. The white, I think, is too white... and I don't like how the coat has no collar, but that white shirt does.... so a muslin shirt with no collar will be added.
I also have a few pirate patches. I'm debating their use... and where... on the shirt, maybe? Maybe I'll just pin them to the costume. We'll see.
Any other suggestions?
Re: Pirate Costume: 2009
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:05 pm
by Andybev01
The shirt would be okay as long as you offer people sunglasses...
The pants are awesome.
Re: Pirate Costume: 2009
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:56 am
by DemonSlayerMau
Yes, I wish I had those with my pirate costume last year.
Except I think I was more of a bukeneer than a captain because I had a bandana.
Re: Pirate Costume: 2009
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:51 pm
by Andybev01
DemonSlayerMau wrote:Yes, I wish I had those with my pirate costume last year.
Except I think I was more of a bukeneer than a captain because I had a bandana.
A woman opened her door on Halloween night to see a little boy dressed in a pirate captains costume.
"How cute" she said "Where are your buccaneers?"
The little boy answered "Under my buccin' hat!"
(my favorite Halloween joke)
Re: Pirate Costume: 2009
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:14 pm
by the night pumpkin
looks really nice! gold a red trim?? can't wait to see the finished costume.
Re: Pirate Costume: 2009
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:44 pm
by jadewik
I did finish sewing a matching vest-- still have to put the grommits in it, though. Ugh.... ran into a snag though-- caught a double ear infection that started about 4-weeks ago. I have been bleeding out my right ear and haven't been able to hear out my right ear for 3-weeks now. Doctors are dumb... I want to beat them. Finally got 'round to calling the specialist (couldn't call when I was supposed to because I couldn't hear AT ALL then)... they've yet to return my calls. (Yes, calls. Plural.)
... still... things are progressing on the costume... just not so fast as I'd like because I've run into the health issue, so sleep has taken over playtime (and worktime).
Re: Pirate Costume: 2009
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:13 pm
by OctoberChill
That sounds horrible jadewik. I'm so sorry. I'm sending positive healing thoughts your way.
Is the damage irreversible? Will you get your hearing back or are you not sure yet? Keep us posted, on both the costume and most importantly your health.
Re: Pirate Costume: 2009
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:51 pm
by jadewik
I don't know if there's any damage, actually... aside from the initial miss-diagnosis and the "Oh, man... that's bad" at my second visit-- I haven't heard any updates. (Haha... pun.) Finally got a call from the specialist-- I can see that particular guy in August. (Why do they even bother telling you these things?) After using the logic that my ear would probably heal on its own by August-- I was scheduled to see another specialist on Tuesday. I'll know more then.
My hearing is progressively returning. I have about 95% back in my left ear and maybe 50% in my right ear, though it's still bleeding.... and I ran out of antibiotics this morning. We'll see how things go over the weekend.
Thanks for your concern. I truly appreciate it.
As for the costume-- I put the grommits in my vest last night. I also worked on sewing some of that coat trim on this weekend. I have one strip to go! Maybe I'll work on the coat more this weekend-- since I can't really watch TV because high-pitched noises make me cringe right now.
I may not be feeling well, but it won't stop me from enjoying Halloween!
Thanks again for your thoughts.
Re: Pirate Costume: 2009
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:11 pm
by Andybev01
Ooo...sounds terrible.
I lost most of my hearing due to a genetic problem (thanks Dad!!) and wear an 'aid.
The ironic part is that I am one of 11 children (Catholic, don't ya know) and the only one who is hard of hearing...but the only one who doesn't wear glasses!
More healing thoughts from this guy as well
When you blow your nose or sneeze, does it feel like you got shot in side of the head? Love that!
Re: Pirate Costume: 2009
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:21 am
by shopcomparecostumes
Those on the Pirates of the Carribean movie costumes are really awesome. With all the bling bling and accessories.
Re: Pirate Costume: 2009
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:52 pm
by Andybev01
Umm...I'm all for commerce and capitalism, but there's a forum for advertising shopping sites...