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Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:37 pm
by MyersFan1
Anyone going to see Rob Zombie's Halloween II, which comes out on the 28th of this month. Im a huge fan of the original movies, and I havent really appreciated what Rob has done to the franchise, but i might go out and see it just for kicks!

Heres a link to the trailer, tell me what you guys think.

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:55 pm
by Halloweennut08
Well for one thing the Graphics will be better, Didn't get a Chance to see the first one might make a run out to get the first one so I can understand the second. :)

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:23 am
by iHaunt

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:21 pm
by hippieluvn
Halloweennut08 wrote:Well for one thing the Graphics will be better, Didn't get a Chance to see the first one might make a run out to get the first one so I can understand the second. :)
i will definitely be going out to see this flick on opening weekend :mrgreen: and i would suggest watching the first before the new part 2 because it follows a similar path as the original but not exactly the same, and you'll want the back story before viewing this one :cyclops:

i preferred rob zombie's reimagining of the halloween story to the recent friday 13th remake, which was good but could have been better :(

i saw rz's halloween twice at the show (including a screening on halloween night 2007) and bought the dvd :D i plan to watch it again before part 2 comes out :)

now, i am a huge fan of jc's original halloween, but never cared for the original part 2 much :oops: you know, halloween hospital :lol: so i'm hoping zombie saves me from my halloween II blues :D also, unlike many halloween fans, i love halloween III :mrgreen: it was something different and the direction that i believe the franchise should have went after killing off michael myers: horror anthologies set at halloween :cyclops: just my two cents... :idea:

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:04 pm
by MyersFan1
ahhh how can you not like the original Halloween II, its a classic! In my opinion Rob Zombie ruined Halloween with excessive vulgar and gory content. The movies were always mainly base on suspense while blood and gore were not that important. Zombie weakened Myers' character by quantifying him (he was evil because of his abusive upbringing). The Carpenter Myers thrived because he had every reason in the world to be an upstanding citizen. Yet, a supernatural evil seed inexplicably prevails. That's what makes Myers scary. The unknown and uncomprehensable

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:52 pm
by Samhain
I'll be going to see it for sure. However, I'm trying to keep my expectations low. I like most of Robs movies, but I'm not sure he was the right guy to reboot the Halloween franchise. I think he's better suited for a series like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Michael is no longer The Shape in Rob Zombies film. There is nothing really mysterious about him. He's just a crazy dude with a knife. I didn't hate RZH, though. It was a fairly good film. In Carpenters original, you got a sense that there was a real connection between Michaels actions and Halloween. In Zombies version, the connection between his rampages and Halloween seems coincidental.

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:16 pm
by ElMuertoMan17
I liked Rob Zombie's Halloween and I will probably go see H2. The only think I didn't like about Rob Zombie's Halloween is that they made Michael Myers as a child talk. I believe that Michael shouldn't talk, it makes him seem more "human" and less evil and demented then he really is. I am still excited to see the new film nonetheless.

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:23 am
by CannibalsOnCannabis
I like what Zombie did with Myers' back story, though I'm definitely the minority. The way I saw it was this: the cat's already out of the bag, concerning Myers. He's no longer a mystery, and even if Zombie had followed verbatim the script and camera angles of Carp's original, there still would be no boogeyman-quality to the character. So instead he went ahead and tried to actually, instead of making Michael a character diminished by his history, he tried to make him an actual character, one that we could almost understand and sympathize with. Did it work? I thought so, most didn't. I applaud Zombie for doing something worthwhile, personally, and cannot wait to see how he toys with Rosenthal's classic.

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:33 pm
by ilovemichaelmyers
I will probably go see it although I don't really care for remakes, if it's already good why change it? I saw the last Halloween remake he made and did NOT like it at all. I did like The Devil's Rejects, that movie was jaw dropping! :D

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:26 pm
by iHaunt
Guess what??? I watched Friday The 13th (2009) DVD last nite, so when it was over, then I watched some horror previews and I spotted "Trick 'R Treat" movie with Anna Paquin in it! That movie looks so great!

Anyway, after I finished watching DVD, I turned DVD system off and saw RZ's Halloween 2 on preview on TV, it did look good through.... Michael Myers is wearing a large robe with a hood over his head. I really can't wait to see it! And also, a guy from Atlanta, GA said that he already seen RZ's Halloween 2, and the storyline was so great! Not likely original classic Halloween 2, but pretty similar.

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:27 pm
by iHaunt
And, I'm sorry that I really didn't want to spoil anything here. I suggest all of you go see it when it comes out in theaters. :D

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:58 pm
by Samhain
I've already read one review of the film, so there's not much left to the imagination except for a few details. It sounded very good, though. Of course, that doesn't mean it will be. People just have to keep in mind that it's Rob Zombies version of the Halloween movie universe.

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:02 pm
by MyersFan1
Samhain wrote: People just have to keep in mind that it's Rob Zombies version of the Halloween movie universe.
Rob Zombie's version is completely different than John Carpenters original films; He covers up his terrible directing skills by filling the entire movie with unnecessary and over-the-top vulgar and gory scenes that make your stomach turn. Like i previously stated what made Halloween such a hit in '78 was the mystery behind Michael and the reliance on suspense.

I'm definitely going to pass on this film and possibly stay at home on the 28th and watch the original Halloween II and pretend Rob Zombie never created a remake. :lol:

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:03 pm
by MyersFan1
Oh by the way Samhain, I love your avatar, what a great Halloween scene.

Re: Rob Zombie's Halloween II

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:06 pm
by iHaunt
Well, I know there are so many people out there everywhere complaining about Rob Zombie.... He is such as "white trash", you know? He always loves to make some creepy horror movies that include bloody, gory, nudity, strong <deleted> scenes, and so on.... Honestly, I, myself do like RZ! Please understand that I am into <deleted> Halloween things, not softcore! LOL

I really do love heavy-pouring blood, guts, <deleted> and everything like that! :D