Satanic cult leader

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Haunt Master

Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Haunt Master » Tue Oct 14, 2008 7:42 pm

Yes, when the sun almost rose up at 6am then the van just disappeared itself. I really can't believe it!

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Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Halloween_crazyy » Tue Oct 14, 2008 7:43 pm

Ohhmigod thats creepy!!!!!!
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Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:28 pm

This guy sound very dangerous, and you should NEVER enter any place where they come together to worship, because there are some satanic cults that actualy attack or even kill people who "interlope" into their places of worship. Unlike Christians and other religions that believe in evangilizing, satanists only want certain people in their organization. Many murders were also committed as satanic rituals. Richard Rimerez was a satan worshiper.

I think you're smart never to go back to that place again.

As for the cemetery, it is my theory that a devil worshipper would never enter hallowed ground that's consecrated to God because they view God as satan's eternal enemy. But on the other hand, there have been instances where devil worshippers broke into Catholic churches, broke into the tabernacle and desicrated the hosts that were stored in there. They would fead them to dogs, spit on them, stomp them all over the floor and paint satanic cymbols all over the church itselg.


Haunt Master

Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Haunt Master » Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:37 pm

OMG! I was very lucky to be alive, but nothing has happened to me and my friend!

So, some devil worshippers are dangerous? They can hurt and kill people? And, that guy named Richard Rimerez, is he clean-shaven head with goatee? If that is so, then I must have forgotten his name. Well, did he have any criminal backgrounds or what? Have he been in jail before? I'm curious to hear about that guy! :D

Haunt Master

Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Haunt Master » Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:46 pm

Ok, the pic that we posted the satanic cult leader... His name is Anton LaVey. He was born in 1930, and he died on October 29, 1997 from pulmonary edema. He got 2 daughters, Karla and Zeena. That' all I know, and I thanked someone else from other forums for giving me this information.

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Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Rising Dead Man » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:12 pm

. He was born in 1930, and he died on October 29, 1997 from pulmonary edema.
Just a couple days before Halloween!
Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
As though it were a slightly sour sweet.
Let terror, then, be turned into a treat...
~Nicholas Gordon

Haunt Master

Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Haunt Master » Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:05 pm

Yes, that's exacty right!


Rising Dead Man wrote:
. He was born in 1930, and he died on October 29, 1997 from pulmonary edema.
Just a couple days before Halloween!

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Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:18 pm

Haunt Master, Richard Rimerez is the infamous "Night Stalker" of california, who use to break into people's homes, kill them and draw satanic cymbols on the walls of their homes. Just google "Night Stalker," and you will get all the information you need. He's as infamous as Gacey, Manson, Dalmer, and all the others. He committed a bunch of murders in L.A. and one in San Francisco, and when he returned from S.F. he was caught as he got off the Greyhound bus when people recognized his picture in the news paper.

He's in San Quentin on death row if I remember correctly.


Haunt Master

Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Haunt Master » Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:32 pm

Wow! Yeah, I already checked Richard Rimirez from Google and it was very terribly things to do that!

So, PM, how much did you know about this satanic cult leader "Anton LaVey"? I heard he was played in the circus and TV shows long time ago, even he was the satanic priest. I didn't know that he made some women turn into his own slaves/prostitutes. That's what someone else told me about him. And, he was there in Illinois where some of the haunters already met him. His favorite ice cream was mint chocolate chips. Do you know anything more about him than I do?

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Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:31 am

Actualy I don't know a whole lot about Anton Lavey. I don't follow satanism, because I want nothing to do with hell or the devil. Most of Anton Lavey's followers claim to be more like atheists then devil worshippers, but I wouldn't trust anything they say. Many do play around in the realm of spirits, however, and no matter what people say about that, I think it's dangerous.

Braidwood Illinois was a hotbed of satanic activity a few years back. I have not heard anything recent, but as I said before, I try to avoid places where things like that goes on. The devil HATES us all, and wants to destroy us for all eternity.

There's planty of Halloween fun to be had without getting involved with satan and his minions.

But if you are curious about Anton Lavey or about the church of satan, you can find plenty about him on the web.

Many Catholic Priests also have studied angels and fallen angels, which is what the devil basicaly is. Satan's name was originaly lucifer, which means "the light bearer." God saw him once as an angel of light, but his pride made him want to be God, so he rebeled against God and Michael the Archangel expeled him from heaven. Many other angels followed satan into hell as they too gave in to the s in of pride.


Haunt Master

Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Haunt Master » Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:08 pm

Well, I only know Anthon Lavey very little bit... Some haunters there in IL saw him years ago when he first visited there. He used to hang around the haunted attraction, buying foods and drinks, also a hotel for him staying there a few days. Some haunters saw his hotel room which was dark with some candles around the window. They told me they saw some devil worshippers walked in and out of the hotel, they believed they were hanging with LaVey. That's all what they saw and met him. But they didn't know much about him, and they chatted with him and he seemed nice... well. :?

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Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:01 pm

Of course he seemed "nice." Evil allways trys to present itself as good or desirable. The devil will never tell you the truth about anything. Geoffry Dalmer didn't tell his victims that he was really a psychopathic killer. John Wayne inticed his victims with promises of money and a job. He didn't come out and say that he was going to kill them and them have <deleted> with their corpse. Lavey isn't going to tell you that you could spend an eternity in hell. That's what evil is all about. Evil does not present itself as evil and try to warn you to stay away. Evil tries to tempt you towards it. It tries to get you to embrace it. That's what Hitler did, that's what Dahlmer did, that's how all evil doers operate


Haunt Master

Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Haunt Master » Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:34 pm

Yep. I noticed some people always hide their evils and sins too! They wouldn't want some of us to know, as if we know they are evil - but they always show some of us that they are good people and nice as well.

Like, long time ago, I met a prostitute at the bar and some people warned me about her. She can steal your money, she can hurt you, no matter what you do or ask for some sexual flavors, you know? When I talked to her, and she seemed nice to me. But, I saw she did hurt other people such as slap on the face, punch the guy's nose, and hit someone's head with a bottle. Yeah, she definitely looks dangerous to everyone - But NOT on me!! I really don't know why. I guess she is good to me, maybe some people who had done something wrong with her to make her angry. Well, I didn't ask her what was going on between her and other guys. :roll:

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Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:40 am

Women who become prostitutes are often victims. They can be very dangerous, too. Many were tricked by the promise of easy money. Others, the vast majority in fact, are hooked on drugs, mainly crack. A lot of them were molsted as children, so very often when dealing with a prostitute, you are dealing with some one who carries a lot of emotional baggage. But you are right. They, too are going to be as nice as they can be. They're in business to make money for what ever purpose, and they will try to con you any way they can, and if they can steal it from you they will. Some of them have a knack for knowing a mans weakness, i.e. poor vision, hard of hearing, etc and can exploit that weakness for their own gain.

The biggest danger about a prostitute is that she could be HIV positive, and would NEVER tell you that. Some have even been known to deliberately infect men out of revenge for having been exploited by them all of their lives.

So I would be leary of any prostitute, even the leagal ones in Nevada.


Haunt Master

Re: Satanic cult leader

Post by Haunt Master » Fri Oct 24, 2008 3:50 pm

My grandpa has always told me never to make any deals with prostitutes because you will never know you will carry some kinds of diseases, even your soul will be rotten! :shock:

So well... I watched some movie about satanic cults and nunsploitatons, you know, some nuns joined the church - but some nuns turned out to be evil because they did do something bad things like use drugs, have <deleted> with anyone, fight on everyone, etc. I know some are good movies, but they're terribly. I remember I watched a movie called "Images In A Convent" - the most explicit nunsploitation film ever made in 1979! From the director Joe D'Amato. The movie was made from Italy.

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