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Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:52 pm
by NeverMore
Andybev01 wrote:Also, in this day and age of instantaneous global communication I find it charming that you think I won't be online, here, 24/7 as per usual :)
I think she's most worried you are going to join up with iHaunt and start your own fun community. Do me a favor? When you leave California, can you take the Chargers with you?

Sorry to hear about your's and Mau's turn of bad luck. But remember, sometimes when you turn a corner you run into a brick wall. Go around it, dummy.

Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:02 am
by Andybev01
Thanks for the sentiment but I don't see it as bad.

I really like northern California but I can always visit.

Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:12 am
by Murfreesboro
I'm sure you will do very well!

Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 11:32 am
by MauEvig
Well the plus side to this is that I've already "sort of" have a new job offer. It's the Substitute Teacher job at the other school district.

Though depending on how often I get called there...I might have to take on a another job that's nights and weekends to not interfere with subbing *shudders* :shock: But this particular district is really hurting for hopefully it won't come down to that...the problem is it'll be extremely exhausting...but still need to eat and pay bills so...

Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 2:01 pm
by Murfreesboro
At least you have a back-up plan. I hope you get called often!

Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:47 am
by MauEvig
*sigh* Well that figures. The day I make an appointment to take my cat to the vet...the School decides to call. Nope. Sorry school district I work for. I'm not waiting for this. He needs vet care because he's been having problems with worms. Tried over the counter medicines but they didn't work. I don't really like going to the vet (nor does the cat for that matter), but this time it's necessary. I called them Friday but they couldn't get me in until today. I really don't want him to continue to suffer with this problem and it's imperative that he needs the treatment. Some things are more important than money. Money can be replaced. My cat can't.

Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:27 am
by Murfreesboro
Oh, sorry for the conflict! Hope your kitty feels better soon!

Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:03 pm
by MauEvig
He's definitely relieved! It was a "fun" venture and it got "better." And by better...I mean the day got progressively worse.

On the way to the vet, poor Talos was scared. That's normal of course, cats always get scared when they have to go bye bye in the car. But then my tail pipe decided to come off along the way dragging along the road. When I got to the vet, I looked underneath and see it hanging there. I called my boyfriend at work who came by to look at it. He let me take his car home. I have to say the cat was probably traumatized by the sudden noise of the dragging of the pipe and the loud engine. After the treatment from the vet I took the cat home and tried to get a hold of the mechanic but to no avail. My boyfriend had to go back to work. I got some help from the neighbors though and they might be able to help us work on it. They were able to tie the pipe back on and I drove it home. It sounded like a big logging truck all the way home.

I have to admit though...if it weren't for the regulations...I actually enjoyed driving it that way. :shock: Makes me think I'm in a big truck or on a Harley Davidson. :lol: But it'll need to be quieted down. I don't want to get in trouble. Still at least I have some nice jokes about my "little-big car" now. I never knew my car had that much "attitude." :lol: It has a cold air intake so that's partly why it's got so much spunk.

Tomorrow is my orientation with the other school district. I just hope it goes well.

Talos is much happier now anyway. He wasn't happy about the visit, but I think he forgave me. He's a good cat. No more icky worms plaguing him!

Oh and one more thing I found out that took the icing on the cake. I could have gone to work anyway. They told me I could have dropped him off at the Vet's and picked him up. x.x *facepalm sighs* :lol:

Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:36 pm
by Murfreesboro
Oh, wow, you did have a tough day! But it sounds like you have a spunky attitude! :lol:

Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 11:24 am
by Pumpkin_Head
This very year the 20th of July will mark the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 being the first to go to the moon, and as of yet, I have not seen ANY sign what so ever that my home town or any other town in the area will be doing anything to commemorate the event. the only thing I found on line, even, was a celebration NASA was putting together, but not WORD ONE from the president, my governor, or even local leaders. I e-mailed my local chamber of commerce. No answer. I e-mailed various schools in Streator and other towns in Livingston, Will, Grundy and LeSalle counties. No answer. I mentioned it to my neighbor's college age son, and he asked: "Who's Neil Armstrong?" There wasn't so much as a 4 line blurb on the back page of any of the local news papers. NOTHING!!

I don't know about you folks, but I think the Apollo 11 shouldn't be relegated to a foot note in History that nobody really cares about. I can remember when a space craft was launched, it was big news all over the modern world. Now a days, people seem to care more about how their sports teams are doing, not that there's anything wrong with being a sports fan, but to my way of thinking, I think Neil Armstrong is AT LEAST as important to World History as Christopher Columbus, Captain Cooke, Pier Marquette or any other great explorer who went to places that nobody had ever been before.

I don't know. I don't mean to rant, and this is not a flame post against the good people here or against people in general. I know that we all have different interests in life. But I can't help feeling disappointed about it, either.


Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 11:27 am
by Pumpkin_Head
This very year the 20th of July will mark the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 being the first to go to the moon, and as of yet, I have not seen ANY sign what so ever that my home town or any other town in the area will be doing anything to commemorate the event. the only thing I found on line, even, was a celebration NASA was putting together, but not WORD ONE from the president, my governor, or even local leaders. I e-mailed my local chamber of commerce. No answer. I e-mailed various schools in Streator and other towns in Livingston, Will, Grundy and LeSalle counties. No answer. I mentioned it to my neighbor's college age son, and he asked: "Who's Neil Armstrong?" There wasn't so much as a 4 line blurb on the back page of any of the local news papers. NOTHING!!

I don't know about you folks, but I think the Apollo 11 shouldn't be relegated to a foot note in History that nobody really cares about. I can remember when a space craft was launched, it was big news all over the modern world. Now a days, people seem to care more about how their sports teams are doing, not that there's anything wrong with being a sports fan, but to my way of thinking, Neil Armstrong is AT LEAST as important to World History as Christopher Columbus, Captain Cooke, Pier Marquette or any other great explorer who went to places that nobody had ever been before.

I don't know. I don't mean to rant, and this is not a flame post against the good people here or against people in general. I know that we all have different interests in life. But I can't help feeling disappointed about it, either.


Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 10:05 pm
by Nostalgiascape
My health struggles and subsequent constant fatigue ticked me off today.

Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 7:37 pm
by Murfreesboro
I hope you feel better soon, Nostalgiascape!

Mike, PBS is having a series about Apollo 11 in early July. Check your local listings.

My kids (all post college now, but all still in their 20s) certainly know who Neil Armstrong was. My eldest even shares his birthday and has been aware of that fact for many years.

Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 10:42 pm
by Pumpkin_Head
Thanks for the update, Murf. I will be sure to be watching. I don't have cable, but my new computer does have streaming video capability and I'm sure PBS has a web site.

Anyway I just felt like ranting, as IMHO the Apollo 11 was as significant to history as Pearl Harbor or Christopher Columbus in terms of it's impact.


Re: What made you mad today?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:49 pm
by Murfreesboro
Oh, for sure. I think earthrise from the moon (Apollo 8?) was the moat significant photo of the 20th century.