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Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:15 pm
by Rising Dead Man
I have a therapist to talk to. :D

Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:20 pm
by Rising Dead Man
My depression makes me feel like a stupid freak who should just die. :( I feel like I should just jump off a cliff and have my brains bash out when I hit the ground. But I would never do that. Thats why I have a therapist. I can talk about how I feel and he can help me feel better. :)

Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:34 pm
by Andybev01
That's what they're for!

Therapists are...therapuetic.

Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:36 pm
by Rising Dead Man
I also have obsessive compulsive disorder. And let me tell you. That IS NOT pleasant to live with!

Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:44 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
I don't remember if I posted to this thread or not, but I'll post anyway just to be sure. I, too am having major health problems because of obeasity, which include high blood pressure, diabetes, and obstructive sleep apnia. I have been working with a weigh-loss physician for the past 6 months on a weight loss program, so I can have what's known as a Gastro Intestional Bypass (G. I. Bypass for short) A.k.a. generaly known as bariatric surgery.

Today is my final weigh-in with the weigh loss doctor before final approval. The same rules apply for a Lap Band or a Realiza Band, but the G.I Bypass has the highest succes rate.

As in all major surgeries, there is the chance that you could die on the operating table. The good news is that it's a very small chance, and all surgeries can be done laposcopicly, rather then having to cut you open like in heart or other surgery.

My cousen had it, he went from 360 pounds to 155 pounds in a matter of a couple of years. One of my co workers had it last October and she's already lost over 75 pounds.

This is NOT, repeat, NOT a "magic pill," or a guarenteed cure-all. You will DEFINATELY have to change your eating habbits. The smaller stomach will render you incapable of being able to contain mounds of food, but if you fall back onold habbits, you will throw up.

I would suggest that you contact a weight loss doctor in your area, or do a web search.

Incidently, I weighed in at 362 last October when I began my weight loss program, and am down to 335, and this Thursday is my final weigh-in before the surger, which will most likely be around the end of May.


Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:57 pm
by TK421
I have always been a big guy. I'm 6'1" and broad shouldered. In high school I was athletic, but never lean and muscular. In collage, I got kinda soft. After I got married, I got, well, fat.

I am grateful that I was able to join a gym and literally exercise my butt off. About four years ago, I was quite heavy. I put all of my effort and focus into exercise and proper diet (thank you Healthy Choice dinners) and in about a year, lost 100 lbs.

Now, in the four years since then, I have kinda bounced back and fourth, gaining 30 lbs through the winter, losing 25 in the summer sorta stuff. I am actually trying to get back on the health train right now (as I am 30 pound over), but it's hard with so many other things going on. Job, family, etc.

My aunt had G.I. Bypass last fall and is doing great! She is really happy and the extra pounds are melting off. She is trying to convince some other members of the family to do it as well. There are some dangers, but that's true of any surgery or life-altering amendment. The tiny risk of surgery far outweighs the incredible dangers of obesity.

Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 11:41 am
by Pumpkin_Man
Here's the way I look at it.

Sure, I can die on the operating table,a nd there are dangers, but I'm going to die anyway. I'm a diabetic, a heart patient, I suffer from Sleep Apnia, and high blood pressure. Obeasity, in shor order, is killing me slowly. My older brither Jac, God rest his soul, had two Arterial bypasses, two operations for Wolf Parkisons White Syndrom, had his left foot amputated, and his right foot was going at the time he finaly died. His kidneys were failing, and he was too tired to anything mroe then sit in front of the tv.

All but the Wolf parkinsons was directly related to the obeasity. I'm headed in the exact same direction if I don't do somethign soon.


Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:12 pm
by Rising Dead Man
Rising Dead Man wrote:I also have obsessive compulsive disorder. And let me tell you. That IS NOT pleasant to live with!
Sometimes I obsess about germs. The classic OCD.

Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:28 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
I don't know if I can be labeled as "obsessive" or "compulsive," but I am very much a creature of habbit, and once I get into a habbit, be it good or bad, it's very hard for me to break it. I've been trying for 4 years to quit using God's name when I'm cussing, and I 'm doing a lot better, but some times when I'm angry or irritate about something, it just falls right out of me.

I use to be a very heavy smoker back in my college days untilI quit in the Summer of 83. But in my 'hay day' I smoked 3 to 5 packs of unfiltered Pall Malls or Lucky Strikes PER DAY.


Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:55 pm
by Rising Dead Man
I swear all the time. But I'm trying to stop. Not easy!

I have also been obsessing and worrying about Hell. Just the thought of it scares the living <deleted> out of me. :shock:

I also have a phobia about dogs. I just can't stand to be around one. And everyone else finds them so cute. To me they look like this guy.


I am part of a forum for people with anxiety disorders. Who have some of the same fears as me. Some weirder. I use my real name over there, Bobby.

Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:36 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
RisingDedMan, hell scares the livine <deleted> out of mee, too. Like I said I don't even like to contemplate what it's like. As a teenager, I lived in constant fear of dieing suddenly, not having a chance to confess my sins and goint to hell for all eternity. I'm not nearly as scared of it as I use to be. Thanks fo the Holy Blessed Mother, when I visited Medjugorje in the Spring of 85, my faith was based on love of God instead of fear of the devil, but I just try to avoid thinking about hell even though I still do from time to time.

As for fear of certain animals, I have allways loved dogs and cats, and find them to be quite "cute and cuddly." I raided two Irish Setters when I was a kid, and my mom had a whole batch of cats. The entire family loved the dogs and cats all the time, and I'm the only member of my family who does not own a pet right now. The reason for that is I live alone, and I'm away from home for long hours every day and it wouldn't be fair to the pet.

My aunt who was an Adrien Dominican Nun was absolutely terrified of cats. She could not stand to be in the same room with any kind of a cat, even a little kitten would be more then she could handle.


Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:54 pm
by Rising Dead Man
RisingDedMan, hell scares the livine <deleted> out of mee, too. Like I said I don't even like to contemplate what it's like. As a teenager, I lived in constant fear of dieing suddenly, not having a chance to confess my sins and goint to hell for all eternity. I'm not nearly as scared of it as I use to be. Thanks fo the Holy Blessed Mother, when I visited Medjugorje in the Spring of 85, my faith was based on love of God instead of fear of the devil, but I just try to avoid thinking about hell even though I still do from time to time.
I can completely relate to that. That is exactly what I'm going through. I know I should look forward to seeing God instead of fearing seeing The Devil. But anxiety isn't always easy to overcome.

Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:26 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
RisingDeadMan, I am perhaps one of the most anxious people in the world, but I was a lot worse as a teen ager. I attended Catholic Schools through grammer and high school. I hated both of them, but especialy the high school I attended. Fear was a constant companion for me, not only of damnation to hell, but of the football bullies, and other pressures that were on me at the time.

In the books that were used inour Religeon classes, there were accounts given by the various visionaries of Fatima and others who saw hell, and graphicly described the way people were like giant sparks in a huge sea of fire. There were other descriptions of vermon, snakes, being imersed in <deleted> and all kinds of horror stories that were geared to scar the absolute hell out of us. And on me it worked. By the grace of God and His Holy Blessed Mother, I went to Medjugorje, and instead of fearing hell, I now look forward to Heaven.

You see, Jesus does not stand there with a clip boar at the hour you go befor his thron and tries to cacth you in some sin. Jesus and His Father is a God of Love. He wants everyone to go to Heaven.

Do me a favor. Go to and check out some of the forums. I don't know if you are a Catholic or not. This site does cater to Roman Catholics, and their belief in the Blessed Mother, but I the peaceful mesage of the Blessed Mother might put your mind at ease some what. I post there under the moniker Observer.


Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:36 pm
by Rising Dead Man
My parents are Mormons. I have been to church a few times and I find it kind of comforting there. I haven't been baptized yet because I'm not very active in that church. I want to do some exploring before I decide which church I think is true.

Have you ever heard this song? I like it.

Re: Health and Personal Issues (Call on your friends)

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:40 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
Well I'm not trying to convert you to my religion, but check out the Catholic Church at least once before you make a final decision. You might be suprised.
