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Re: Catching up

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 6:17 pm
by Andybev01
"Dang, that turned into a long post. :lol"

Never the less, fun and informative.

Re: Catching up

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:51 am
by Murfreesboro
Yes, my kids are all aware of LinkedIn, though I wish my daughter would get more serious about using it.

Headless, what you describe reminds me of the age-old tug-of-war between freedom and security. We're being monitored 24/7 in part to keep us safe, but even that is double-edged. Safe from what? From terrorism, or perhaps from the political enemies of those in power? And the loss of privacy is a serious concern, obviously. I guess technologies are never an unadulterated good, because in themselves they have no moral value. We are the ones who invest them with moral value, by the way in which we choose to employ them.

Re: Catching up

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:08 am
by TheHeadlessHorseman
I've been watching a lot of movies about cruise ships lately, most of them are comedies and horror movies, and a interesting thing that I noticed about the horror movies is that the posters for them are very similar with their design. I put a picture below to show what I mean, the last movie is actually about a pirate ship, but I thought it looks good with the others.

While I'm on the subject of cruise ships, there are 2 classic shows from the 60s that had episodes about cruise ships, The Twilight Zone had a good episode called Passage on the Lady Anne, and if anyone remembers the show called The Time Tunnel, the first episode was about a certain famous cruise ship, both are decent episodes.

Also, I know that you guys have said that you don't get any email notifications from the forum, but I still do, and it's interesting that they always go to the spam folder, regardless of what they are about. Something else unusual is that if someone sends me a private message at 12pm, I won't get a email telling me until about 2 hours later, and it still goes to the spam folder, it's just something I wanted to bring up.

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Re: Catching up

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 11:47 am
by Murfreesboro
Those posters really do resemble each other!

I remember The Time Tunnel. I loved that show. As a kid I never questioned how it was that everybody spoke English, no matter how far back they went. Did they ever provide an explanation for that?

If you like cruise ship movies have you ever watched The Poseidon Adventure, the grandaddy of all disaster films?

Re: Catching up

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 5:20 pm
by Andybev01
Classic disaster movie!

When the ship rolled over it made me a little seasick, and I grew up in a sailing family.

Re: Catching up

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 1:19 am
by TheHeadlessHorseman
It wasn't ever explained in The Time Tunnel, but both Doctor Who and Star Trek had a explanation for how everyone could understand each other.

Oh yeah, I've watched The Poseidon Adventure, it was a great movie, the remake was good as well.

Re: Catching up

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 1:01 pm
by Andybev01
My favorite maritime story:

Also, why don't we hear anything about happenings in the Bermuda Triangle?

Re: Catching up

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 10:05 am
by Murfreesboro
I'll have to come back to that in a few days. My phone plan is out of data and is infuriating about loading stuff right now.

Are there really no movies about the Bermuda Traingle? There was an excellent X Files episode set there, I believe Season 6, which may be my favorite season of that show.

Re: Catching up

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 4:00 pm
by TheHeadlessHorseman
There are a lot of movies, shows, and documentaries about the Bermuda Traingle, including a good show currently on the History channel called The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters. You might also like a show called Curse of the Bermuda Triangle that aired on the Science channel. Yeah, these people really weren't that creative when naming the shows. :lol:

Re: Catching up

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 12:41 am
by Andybev01
I meant current news items.

You don't hear that a plane disappeared last week or that a ship that vanished years ago appeared in port with everyone on board but none have aged.

Re: Catching up

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 1:30 pm
by TheHeadlessHorseman
If a lost ship suddenly appeared with passengers that hadn't aged, then you wouldn't hear about it because the Gov would cover it up. Shhhhh... they are monitoring this conversation right now, and they're already watching you.

Have you watched the show Manifest? You should.

Re: Catching up

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 2:19 pm
by Murfreesboro
Was Manifest the one where the plane disappeared, then reappeared maybe five years later? I did watch that for at least a season.

Re: Catching up

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 3:45 pm
by Andybev01
I watched a few episodes and it was okay.