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Easter Baskets
Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:37 pm
by MauEvig
I'm surprised no one has made a thread about Easter baskets here!
Typically when I was a kid mine would be filled with candy, such as jelly beans, peeps, some chocolates and such, and then in the center would be a fairly good sized chocolate bunny.
My mom would sometimes get me a chocolate cat for Easter since I loved cats so much.
Sometimes you can get toys in your basket as well. One year I got a soccer ball. That was pretty cool. Nowadays you can get just about anything in your basket, but I think the traditional things were candy.
The Easter grass made the baskets look pretty, but it was kind of messy. I think my mom would skip that sometimes.
And yes, even though I'm almost 30, my mom still insists on an Easter basket. Or at least this year, she sent us some Easter candy and beef sticks and a plush toy. I don't mind it though, because I like candy. I mean, if I can enjoy Halloween and everyone says it's a kid's holiday, I don't see why I can't enjoy Easter for what it is either.
Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:57 am
by arch_master
MauEvig wrote:I'm surprised no one has made a thread about Easter baskets here!
Typically when I was a kid mine would be filled with candy, such as jelly beans, peeps, some chocolates and such, and then in the center would be a fairly good sized chocolate bunny.
My mom would sometimes get me a chocolate cat for Easter since I loved cats so much.
Sometimes you can get toys in your basket as well. One year I got a soccer ball. That was pretty cool. Nowadays you can get just about anything in your basket, but I think the traditional things were candy.
The Easter grass made the baskets look pretty, but it was kind of messy. I think my mom would skip that sometimes.
And yes, even though I'm almost 30, my mom still insists on an Easter basket. Or at least this year, she sent us some Easter candy and beef sticks and a plush toy. I don't mind it though, because I like candy. I mean, if I can enjoy Halloween and everyone says it's a kid's holiday, I don't see why I can't enjoy Easter for what it is either.
Hey, MauEvig

This is my favorite theme - Easter Decorations. And recently, I have found a fantastic collection of Easter decorations ... s-baskets/ where I've found some really, really nice ideas

And I am thinking of applying them home, but first I need to go to and buy a lot of crafts stuff

. And i recommend that you browse the collection(there are baskets, as well) and I bet that your mom will be surprised.
And I think you are right - holidays are not only for the kids, they are for those, who love all the magical moments when happen on them

Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:28 pm
by witchy
I don't send my dad a basket per say, but I do send him a long eared chocolate bunny every year, he's 84, he's soo funny, he gets quite upset if I don't!!
Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:18 pm
by MauEvig
That is funny! And a tradition is a tradition. You're never too old for chocolatey goodness. ^^
Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:01 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
We use to leave out our empty Easter Baskets for the rabbit, and I would get some pretty neat things Easter morning.
Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:24 pm
by Murfreesboro
At our house Easter has always included some toys and stuff, not as many as at Christmas, but some things. This year we will have a few DVDs, and maybe some make-up in the basket for my daughter. Candy is the main thing, though. And often I'll get some sweet little Easter figurines, bunnies and chicks and such. Several weeks ago my husband got me a "fairy garden," a ceramic planter with a fairy perched on the side of it. I'll probably try to dress that up this Easter. And one year I got my kids a butterfly garden, where we sent off for the worms and watched them make cocoons, then hatch into butterflies.
One of the DVDs I'll for sure get is Saving Mr. Banks, which our family saw at Christmas and loved. Also Frozen, which we never saw in the theater.
I do use Easter grass, but it is a mess! I try not to let it stay out more than a few days in the baskets, so it won't get spread all over the house.
Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:36 pm
by Kolchak
I want a bunny rabbit! I prefer a mini-lop but I'm not particular. Rabbits are cute. So are baby ducks.
So send your spares to moi! Atlanta, GA!
Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:42 pm
by MauEvig
arch_master wrote:MauEvig wrote:I'm surprised no one has made a thread about Easter baskets here!
Typically when I was a kid mine would be filled with candy, such as jelly beans, peeps, some chocolates and such, and then in the center would be a fairly good sized chocolate bunny.
My mom would sometimes get me a chocolate cat for Easter since I loved cats so much.
Sometimes you can get toys in your basket as well. One year I got a soccer ball. That was pretty cool. Nowadays you can get just about anything in your basket, but I think the traditional things were candy.
The Easter grass made the baskets look pretty, but it was kind of messy. I think my mom would skip that sometimes.
And yes, even though I'm almost 30, my mom still insists on an Easter basket. Or at least this year, she sent us some Easter candy and beef sticks and a plush toy. I don't mind it though, because I like candy. I mean, if I can enjoy Halloween and everyone says it's a kid's holiday, I don't see why I can't enjoy Easter for what it is either.
Hey, MauEvig

This is my favorite theme - Easter Decorations. And recently, I have found a fantastic collection of Easter decorations ... s-baskets/ where I've found some really, really nice ideas

And I am thinking of applying them home, but first I need to go to and buy a lot of crafts stuff

. And i recommend that you browse the collection(there are baskets, as well) and I bet that your mom will be surprised.
And I think you are right - holidays are not only for the kids, they are for those, who love all the magical moments when happen on them

Sorry I didn't see your post before! You've got some great ideas there on those websites! Who would have thought you could get so creative with Easter!
I like that tradition Pumpkin man. I can't remember if I did that or not. A lot of times I'd just get a new basket each year.
I've got things like movies and video games Murf. Speaking of movies, when Rise of the Guardians came out, I got the special Easter pack which came with two hopping eggs. I also got a copy of Hop, which came with a free plush chick dressed like a bunny. I like that they are making some more Easter centered movies out there. I really like how they portrayed the Easter Bunny in Rise of the Guardians, it makes him look more than just a Santa Clone. I imagine if they were real, Peter Cottontail and St. Nickolaus would have quite a rivalry going on.
Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:24 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
Rabbits are cute, but they are also rodents, so they can do damage if they're not caged.
My niece had a rabbit for many years as did a few buddies of mine.
As for my Easter basket, that was the same deal with me. It was mostly candy, chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs, some small toys like a kite or one of those prefabricated airplanes that you could buy in the local grocery store for a quarter.
Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:10 pm
by MauEvig
I agree there. Rabbits are definitely cute, but they don't make the best of pets. I had two before and they started fighting each other all the time, and eventually we decided to give them up because it got to be too much. They really are a huge mess to clean up after too. So while I like looking at the cute bunnies at pet stores or the zoo and seeing bunnies in the wild, I doubt I'd ever want one as a pet again. Besides that, the cats would probably try to eat it, and I can't blame them for something that's in their nature to do. I had a guinea pig once as well, and while cute, they don't live very long and cleaning after them is a pain, though not as difficult as it was cleaning a rabbit cage. I just could not go through that again, I don't think rodents make very good pets at all, but some people really enjoy having them as pets, as long as you know what you're doing when you get it.
I really think it's sad though when parents think it's a good idea to give their kids a real bunny at Easter, because it's going to be too much to deal with when they realize just how much work they are. It's better to get a nice plush bunny if they want an easter gift that's going to last a long time. I have a few I usually put out for Easter, and a Tazmanian devil dressed up as the Easter bunny somewhere (I might have left that one in New York though lol) but this year I haven't had time to decorate.
I usually get candy in mine too. I have to say the toys like little airplanes and kites were probably made better than they are now, and nowadays a one dollar toy probably breaks easier than your quarter toys you got back then.
Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:12 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
Unfortunately that's true, MauEvig. The toys I use to buy at Woolworths for a quarter were quality. Now a days you pay over a dollar for questionable quality. Even big ticket toys, like some of the Barbie dolls or Hot Wheels are nothing to write home about any more, yet they're infinitely more expensive then they were back in 'the day.'
I still like those malted milk ball eggs, though. I'll treat myself to a bag full of those for Easter.
Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 4:11 pm
by MauEvig
I'd visited a few hobby shops sometimes that have the old fashioned toys. They're really neat to look at. It is a shame that toys these days break so easily, but I suppose the toy companies figure if you break it, you'll buy another and they'd make more money that way.
Seems like the same thing with just about everything. Ever buy a pair of shoes that last more than a few months? Those are really hard to find these days. A lot of stuff is made out of plastic too. I prefer stainless steel.
They worry about making these toys safe for kids by not making them out of metal and such, but if they break, the kids could end up sticking them in their mouths and it being a choking hazard. I guess you can't win.
lol my dad loves those, and he'd get the ones shaped like little easter eggs. I got me some homemade chocolate eggs, one with peanut butter and one with coconut, and the store I work at started carrying the Reeses peanut butter chocolate eggs too. Good stuff!
Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 4:44 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
I have had TERRIBLE luck with shoes falling apart on me after about 3 months. I finally did manage to find a pair, for around 110.00 that lasted about 5 years, but the souls are starting to peel away. I also can't win with sweat socks, either. Every July and every December, like clock work, I have to go to Wal Mart and purchase a couple of packages of new socks..
Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:07 pm
by MauEvig
It's that time of year again. Time to think about what to fill your Easter basket with! I think there are the traditional things like the chocolate bunny, peeps and jelly beans and other assortments of Easter candy, but why not take the opportunity to be creative and original? Who says someone has to be too old for an Easter basket? Think about what people might like, maybe they enjoy books, or video games, perhaps out door activities, maybe they're getting ready to start a garden. The sky is the limit! Sometimes you can find some great fillers at Dollar Tree or Wal-mart. Perhaps a new set of Garden gloves or a hand shovel/rake could go in a basket, and maybe a box of seeds? If they love a good fantasy or mystery novel, that would be a good basket stuffer as well. Movies can be a great edition as well, and often Wal-mart has good family-friendly ones for $5 to $20. Then take some of those plastic eggs, maybe you can fill them with certain assortments. An artist might like an egg that's filled with erasers, a basket full of pencils, maybe some paints, maybe some decorative eggs to practice their painting skills on. Just a thought. Though I think one should still keep with the theme and include some kind of decoration that's Easter-themed like those little dollar store egg decorations. Just a thought. If you have a creative idea, let us all know here!
Here's a few ideas from Better Homes and Gardens: ... r-baskets/
Re: Easter Baskets
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:45 pm
by Andybev01
Here is mine for this year, I found it at Goowill a few weeks ago.
1 egg capacity.