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Bleeding Neck Stump Zombie (New prop for 2010)

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:29 am
by Mourning_Manor
Hey All,

I will post pictures soon, but my new idea for this year is a zombie who has pulled his head off and is bleeding from the neck stump and from his eyes. I am trying to convert my whole front yard (eventually) into a zombie filled cemetery (one zombie at a time) :)

So far i have 1 static zombie, 1 ground breaker and 1 motorized zombie using servos to control head movement.

Re: Bleeding Neck Stump Zombie (New prop for 2010)

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:47 pm
by MacPhantom
That sounds awesome!! I'd love to see pics!! I'm also trying to do a zombie scene this year... I'm thinking three or four, ripping apart a corpse, under one of the trees.

Yeah, post pictures!!!

Re: Bleeding Neck Stump Zombie (New prop for 2010)

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:40 pm
by Amanda
I'm the big Halloween "freak" in our house, my husband humors me but I think he'd put a stop to it if I did the zombie well he wouldn't stop me but it is his least favorite thing, def. wouldn't want me to decorate any earlier than Oct. 30