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Superstitious x 13

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:53 pm
by grim writer
Beware of this animal
If it crosses your path
Bad fortune is yours
It is the black cat’s wrath

You cringe when it shatters
Bad luck for seven years
All because of a slip of the hand
I warn you stay away from mirrors

Watch where you’re walking
Don’t step under this
As long as you watch out don’t worry
A ladder is kind of hard to miss

They live a nocturnal life
These birds belong out at night
It’s bad luck to see it out in the day
Beware if you see an owl in sunlight

It is an important part of you house
Be careful in you have two or more
Walk out the same one you came in
It’s bad luck to walk out a different door

Don’t ever open it indoors
And especially not over your head
It is a sure way to get bad luck
So open an umbrella outdoors instead

Be careful when you kick these off your feet
If they land upside down they should be turned upright
Especially if you don’t want bad luck
As long as shoes remain this way things should be alright

Close all your windows so this can’t get in
This is a simplest of chores
When it’s in your home it’s a sign of death
Birds should be kept outdoors

If you want peace don’t spill this
Or you’ll have an argument with your best friend
You may have a strong friendship
Which spilled pepper may end

This is something you must avoid spilling
Else you’ll receive bad luck
But this can be avoided
Throw salt over your left to get out of this muck

It has been sitting around not ticking
And then you hear it chime
It means a death in the family
A clock does more than tell time

Never place this facing north and south
For this is not best
Else misfortune will befall you
The bed should face east and west

Hold your breath when passing by this
Else you’ll become an unwilling host
You’re a perfect escape
To a cemetery ghost