fromlast year to this year.

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fromlast year to this year.

Post by tantraman » Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:00 am

man cant believe it has beenso long since I have posted on here. I don't know about you guys but it has been a year of so much events and some thing went completely in left field. A lot of life changes. Though threw all of it Halloween and horror movie keep Who here has had a crazy year and feel that Halloween season is your light at the end of the tunnel?
happy happy halloween silver shamrock.

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Re: fromlast year to this year.

Post by SpiderBite » Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:19 am

Last year was pretty crazy for me, at the time I was going through a shoulder surgery and I couldn't really do anything for Halloween so I had a movie marathon and ate candy. I'm planning to make up for that, the whole vibe that comes around that time of year to me is awesome so I could see why you'd feel more relaxed also it's the only time we get Count Chocula :lol:

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Re: fromlast year to this year.

Post by tantraman » Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:27 am

lol love it
happy happy halloween silver shamrock.

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Re: fromlast year to this year.

Post by Murfreesboro » Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:06 am

I didn't have a bad year, but it has been somewhat more stressful than usual, since my daughter finished high school, went through the college search, and is headed off to school in a week.

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Re: fromlast year to this year.

Post by johnsoneliza52 » Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:09 pm

We, too, had kind of dropped the ball last year...We have been working on this year for 2+ months now, but so much more to do!!!

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Re: fromlast year to this year.

Post by Fall fanatic » Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:01 am

Same here. Dealt with some heavy stuff this spring and fell into depression. Ive struggled with this on and off since I was a teen, but never this bad. It always feels like it will never end, and as summer went on I felt I would probably not be able to enjoy this fall. But lately Ive been feeling better, I am looking forward to fall, and I think jack-o-lanterns and sweatshirt weather is just what I need.

Have a great day.

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Re: fromlast year to this year.

Post by johnsoneliza52 » Tue Aug 18, 2015 5:03 pm

Good for you, Fall fanatic!
Maybe the change in weather will help! It's one day at a time, sometimes, huh?

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Re: fromlast year to this year.

Post by MauEvig » Tue Aug 18, 2015 6:50 pm

It's been crazy for me that's for sure; especially upon returning to my old job for a while before my recent hire at the local school district. It's been stressful; and the last week of my job was the worst of all. It caused me to fall into a combination of anger and depression. It wasn't until I left it that I felt a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

College has been enjoyable though after Spring Semester I was ready for a break. I am ready to tackle classes again now I think; along with my new challenges as a sub. This will really put to the test whether I'm up for teaching or not. I admit I am a bit nervous, even had a nightmare about the whole thing. I have really bad anxiety but I'm trying not to let it get to me too much. I can't let it defeat me.

But like the rest of you guys, I feel great knowing Fall and Halloween are on the way. That always puts me in a cheerful mood. So while I'm already happy that I'm starting a new career and done with one that I could not stand to be part of any longer; I'm happier knowing a new chapter of my life is ahead of me.

Sounds like we all have bouts of anxiety that we deal with. But I'm not going to let it stop me from achieving my goals.
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Re: fromlast year to this year.

Post by witchy » Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:43 am

It's been crazy for me too, I find out if I get the full time position this week, I'm soo excited for the next chapter in my life.

I painted a frankie for my best friends birthday this weekend, I hope she likes it, I also got her a bat hand sanitizer dispenser and a peacock bird bath. It's not everyday your bestie turns 50!!! :wink:

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Re: fromlast year to this year.

Post by tantraman » Thu Aug 20, 2015 12:38 am

Sounds like everyone has had interesting years. Love reading these thanks for sharing
happy happy halloween silver shamrock.

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Re: fromlast year to this year.

Post by ScarecrowJack » Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:44 am

Sorry I haven't been around. Late last year my company reorganized and as a part of that they laid off and shuffled around much of the workforce. I survived the lay off (the third in the 10 years I've been working for them) but we've had mandatory overtime since January. The extra money is nice, and I'm certainly thankful to have a job, but it hasn't left much time for anything else. But I'm definitely looking forward to Halloween.

MauEvig, you're going to rock being a sub! I'm rooting for you. :D

Withcy, hope you get that position.

Fall Fanatic, hope things start going better for you.
We're the farmer's scarecrows
We scare away the birds,
We keep the farmer's corn safe
Without any words.
But when Halloween comes
We jump out of the ground
And we scare the boys and girls
When they come walking 'round.

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Re: fromlast year to this year.

Post by Murfreesboro » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:32 am

Good to hear from you again!

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Re: fromlast year to this year.

Post by jadewik » Sat Aug 22, 2015 5:14 pm

I'm starting to think "crazy and hectic" is normal... as far as life goes. For me, in 2013, it was the robbery, baby poisoning, 6 weeks in the hospital, emergency surgery and the birth of my first minion... and 6 months later I was getting laid off and having to find work... and then moving... selling my house... I would love it of things were boring and dull for a while. I like boring... but it's looking like that isn't going to happen anytime soon, so... I guess I'll just have to enjoy the crazy while it lasts because I kinda like the fact that I'm a little numb to it now.

Glad to be seeing some of the older faces pop in for a visit.... granted, I could say that about my own presence on this forum these days. Ah, well... happy times ahead! =D

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