by Pumpkin_Man » Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:07 pm
The only thing with that, iHaunt, is that people generaly are use to their own traditions. Some one who lived all of his life in South America or Austrailia, or any place else in the Southern Hamisphere, would be very much use to Christmas as a Summer time holiday. The Austrailians, in particular, associate the celebration of Christmas with beach parties, motorcycling, barbecues, swimming or pool parties and the whole 9 years, in addition to the gift giving. Sure, they probably do have some of the old " Winter " traditions that were brought over there from 'the old country,' but people are use to what they are use to. It's the same deal with Easter and Halloween. The Agrentinians and the Austrailians could not even picture Halloween as a Fall holiday. Halloween is a Spring time holiday. Easter is associated with Fall.
The nice thing about the Austrailians is that like us, they also have Summer Vacation, so they can actualy enjoy Christmas without having to go back to school.
Now because you and I live up here in the Northern Hemisphere, it's hard for us to picture that. I allways celebrated Christmas as a Winter holiday, so that's t he tradition that I knew and loved all my life. I couldn't imagine celebrating Christmas by going to the beach and having a back yard barbecue. I love to do those things, but it does not jive with Christmas. Sure, I am going to grill up a Rib Eye in my fireplace this Saturday, but traditionaly fo rme, Christmas is a Winter holiday. Halloween is a Fall holiday, and Easter is a Spring holiday.
It's all about point of reference. I'm sure the Austrailians and Argentinians would not want it any other way. I wouldn't want it any other way from what I'm use to, either.