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You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:06 am
by MauEvig
Ours went pretty good. It came and went so fast and with being a hectic year there was little time to prepare. But we did get to have pizza and a movie, it was fun and simple. We screened Tales of Halloween and we both really enjoyed it.

I ended up going with a witch hat I had today, and a cat mask that I used yesterday for the Halloween events at work and for the one I volunteered for. I didn't have time to get the cow girl costume together, oh well. I carved a couple pumpkins, I can show those to y'all later. I also met a fellow Halloween enthusiast at the event, so that was cool. She had some neat ideas for props that not only looked really good, but were relatively inexpensive.
We came up with a pretty cool idea for next year...we might do different themes for different rooms of the house.
Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:53 am
by Andybev01
Sounds like a nice, low-key evening, Mau.
I posted a pic of my morning at a coast-side pumpkin farm on another thread, and here are 2 more, of the gifts I got this evening.
I'm a huge fan of Elvira and had not heard of this vinyl she put out last year.
The blue-ray is a Hammer film I have never heard of, 'Paranoic'.
My best buds got them for me when they went to Austin last week for the American Grand Prix.
Each year they stop in at Waterloo Records to buy collectible media and they found these.
The movie is a fantastic restoration, without they in-your-face style of the 60's Hammer fare, and the 7" vinyl is what you would expect from the Mistress of the Dark, cheesy campy fluff.

Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 7:22 am
by Murfreesboro
Ours was successful, too. Because rain was predicted, I switched my costume last-minute from Day of the Dead (elaborate make-up) to witch (green face). Happily, the rain subsided between 6:30 and 8 p.m., so people did start to rove. There were some great yard haunts in our neighborhood, and my decorations were appreciated, too. Not as many people out as on a good-weather night, but enough to feel as if Halloween was happening and I was a part of it.
Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 12:20 pm
by NeverMore
Andybev01 wrote:I'm a huge fan of Elvira and had not heard of this vinyl she put out last year.
This is soooo not safe for work or church, keep the kiddies and Kolchak away from it.
Two Big Pumpkins.
Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 4:32 pm
by Spookymufu
words fail me........
Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 1:49 pm
by vrb8919
Yes I did! I'm a haunted house buff, so I went to a couple on Halloween night with friends and family. I was able to decorate a little more this year, and had about 10 trick or treaters! Only disappointing thing was, is that I didn't carve a jack-o-lantern this year. Other than that, it was definitely a lot of fun!
Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 5:18 pm
by johnsoneliza52
I am still recovering!!! we had about the same numbers as last year, which surprised us, since Halloween was on Saturday..still tons..about 270.
The party was amazing, and wow, what a crowd..we had between the three houses (which basically form a triangle) 125 people..absolutely NO drama at
all, dancing, drinking and apparently lots of other stuff, of which I don't fun fun..
The police showed up at 11:45pm; the cop was extremely cool
Officer: Happy Halloween... I'm not here to shut you down..just want to know if you have any idea?? when this will end?
Me: No problem..we are shutting the dj down now
Officer: You don't have to, I'm not saying that
Me: No, we're good..thank you for coming!!
'The dj was supposed to quit at 11pm anyway..we just kept him going 'cause, well, ya know...we were DRUNK!!!
I have pictures of all the displays and will post them soon!
So..picture it...huge freakin' party on Friday (went to bed at 2:30am), then, up and redressed eventually for trick or treating,
and then, oh ya, football on Sunday!
I'm getting too old for this!!
The clown theme was awesome. If we didn't have a policy of not repeating our theme..we would do it again!
Everyone EVERYONE is afraid of CLOWNS!!! OMG
Little children, 6'2" Harley bikers, 70 year old was too good!!!!
Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 12:36 am
by NeverMore
You should have given the police officer first prize for best costume, even given the clown theme. Because we all know police officers are clowns, especially Atlanta police officers
Glad things went well johnsoneliza.
Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:42 am
by Murfreesboro
Sounds like you had an epic Halloween!
Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:03 pm
by Kolchak
Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 5:30 pm
by witchy
Wow that did sound like an amazing party, maybe next year I'll fly by with my broom!!
I have never had more than 75 Trick or Treaters, you guys are sooooo lucky!!
Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:23 pm
by MauEvig
Here's my carved pumpkins this year...
Nothing special or extravagant. I sort of cut a little too far with the knife on one of them. The other one I went for a more classic jack o lantern face.
Here you can see some of the spider webs and spiders courtesy of ramaries69 from the Grim Reaper Exchange:
You can catch a faint glimpse of some of the other goodies she gave me too.
My boyfriend's cat Stormy, and my witch hat. You can see the little witch broom in the background and a little Halloween window cling. I've left those up since last year actually.

Guess I was definitely meant to be Witchy's apprentice.
Our Halloween themed Dining room table. You can see the spider web again.
And we finally went to a Spirit Halloween store! Granted it was the day after Halloween...but still...

Great place to go. I definitely want to visit them next year. They have so many costumes and costume ideas!
Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 6:35 pm
by johnsoneliza52
I never made it to Spirit this year...I also didn't get to go to any clearance sales this year..boooo
Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:42 pm
by NeverMore
Wrong... I'm usually in bed by 7... with your mama!
Re: You guys have a good Halloween this year?
Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:17 am
by Murfreesboro
I hope you roasted the pumpkin seeds, Mau!