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Does your obsession get worse every year?

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:00 am
by mandy0221
Does any one else feel like each year you love Halloween more and more? I live with my mom still since I just graduated college and she makes me wait till October 31st to put out decorations. Usually I dont mind but this year it is DRIVING ME NUTS. I cant wait till I live on my own and can start decorating in Sept.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:21 am
by MHooch
Oh, yeah, every year it gets worse and worse. Just ask my friends and family. I can hardly wait til the end of summer anymore. It seems that every year there is SOME new gadget or decoration that I just have to have. (Even though I have more Halloween decor that one person should have!) Maybe we should start a support group for people like us!! LOL :lol:

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:39 am
by Dee381
MHooch just let me know when you have a yard sale lol.

And Mandy...i feel for you. That must be torture having to wait til the 31st. Maybe you can talk her into letting you take them out at least a week before? lol.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:54 am
by uncletor
Actually, I'm not sure I'm just not IMPROVING it every year..
yeah, THAT'S the ticket...
but seroiously folks..I mean, take a look at my candy bowl..which is a plaster human skull..I've JUST about figured out how to make it was one of my FIRST experiments in kiddie fascination..(the kids still love it..)
while I was still married, I had the same thing you guys do, which amounts to a bidding war:"when can I hang it up??"
Eventually you even got down to the HOUR...(Readers Digest should have featured us in CAN THIS MARRIAGE BE SAVED? Was there a money back clause?)
Now working in the basement was never an issue..except when she would come down and find SKULLS drying on top of the washer...
Maybe I should have seen it coming...

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:55 am
by BlackCat
I don't wanna say that my obsession gets worse, because worse is like saying something is wrong with my oobsession. I think yes my obsession grows and I have more Halloween items than anything else but I think there is nothing wrong with that. I'm so glad all of you have the obsession. So it may get "worse" every year but I like to think by worse we mean better! :P

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:12 pm
by geekmidwinter
Technically it's only an obsession or addiction when it effects other areas of your life negatively. Ex-Mrs. Uncletor was clearly just a completely intolerant person and a poopy-pants.

Unless you're considering pawning your grandma's wedding ring to buy that awesome air blown haunted house, or cashing in your kid's college account to purchase a sound board to synch up your motion triggered light and sound effect show for your haunted house, I think you're okay.

You are among friends here, we feel your pain. You're one of us now. One of us . . .one of us . . .

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:24 pm
by mandy0221
If it were up to my mom I wouldnt be able to decorate for any holiday....but I usually get my way. I start putting stuff up on October 1st or so and just have to listen to her complain for a few weeks. I have already snuck a few pieces up on the shelves and stuff that she hasn't noticed yet : ) I just couldn't help myself.

I would say mine is absolutly an obsession.....I mean after all I should probably be doing work...but im not im on here waisting away time. : )

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:07 pm
by MHooch
Mandy0221: First of all, this is NOT "wasting time"! This is talk therapy with your friends. LOL! :lol: 2nd of all, you poor baby, you'll have your own place before you know it, and then you can paint all your rooms black, orange, lime green and purple, and leave all your Halloween stuff up year round if you want to!! Thank goodness I have a tolerant husband, God love him. And I agree, "obsession" has such a negative ring to it. I think uncletor is right. "Improving" is a much better word. Just enjoy it... :wink:

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:15 pm
by MichaelMyers
I am obsessed as well!! I keep thinking -just one more thing, just one more thing!! So far since Sept. 7th I have gotten:
Fog Machine
Fog Juice
Strobe Light for Pumpkin
(these three things were bought by my husband, so they dont really count!)
Inflatable Haunted House
Zoltan Fortune Teller Machine
Jack O Lantern for outside (plug in)
Two mini battery powered Jack 'O Lanterns for my desk at work
Floating Ghost
Two sets of PEEPERS eye lights
10 bags Halloween Candy (corn, hersheys, reeses, M&M's)
Four Halloween Shirts
Halloween Balloons
And then today at Old Time Pottery I saw this fill sized animated Butler-Edwardian was his name I think....for $129.00...and I keep thinking...just him and THATS IT!! I CAN"T STOP!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:05 am
by LittleDollClaudia
I am right there with all of you! I seem to find ways to increase my over-filled storage boxes every year. I chomp at the bit when I see anything orangey coming out around Sept. I really try to budget myself but I always get that little weasel in my head saying "But it may not be here next year." So I go nuts and I don't regret it. Thankfully I too have someone who enjoys it and goes almost crazier than I do at times. Geez, we are going to have to buy a huge house for our displays if this keeps up. LOL

Besides, with such amazing stuff coming out every year, how can you not "improve" your collection?? See you all in the sale aisles!!

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:07 pm
by BlackCat
I was at Kohls department store yesterday and Hobby Lobby today. I found all kinds of Fall an Halloween decorations that I added to my collection. I bought candles and plates and piloows to knick knacks and you name it. Alot of the stuff was on sale already so I was pleased. I can't wait for the after Halloween sales cuz then everything goes for real cheap and I can feed my obsession some more.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:56 pm
by MichaelMyers
LittleDollClaudia wrote:I am right there with all of you! I seem to find ways to increase my over-filled storage boxes every year. I chomp at the bit when I see anything orangey coming out around Sept. I really try to budget myself but I always get that little weasel in my head saying "But it may not be here next year." So I go nuts and I don't regret it. Thankfully I too have someone who enjoys it and goes almost crazier than I do at times. Geez, we are going to have to buy a huge house for our displays if this keeps up. LOL

Besides, with such amazing stuff coming out every year, how can you not "improve" your collection?? See you all in the sale aisles!!
This is totally me!! Im working on getting this Butler, stressed out that it won't be there next year at this price.!..heck, if my husband says we can swing it, I'm stressed out that it won't still be there Wed. when I can maybe get it!! I LOVE THIS BOARD!

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:18 am
by MHooch
You guys are awesome!!! I am so glad that we can share our Halloween frenzy with each other and not have to bore our friends and make me laugh so much.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:10 am
by BlackCat
My poor boyfriend is sooooooooooo sick of my Halloween talk. He just doesn't understand! I hope that someday he will come around but until then I have all of you to talk too.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:43 pm
by LawP
We had a wind storm last month and branches were everywhere. While picking up the debris I found a particularly gnarly branch that I thought would look great spray painted black with spider webbing and a black crow sitting on it. Needless to say I suffered the rolling eyes and "you need help" comments from my family since I was supposed to be cleaning up after a summer storm and could think of nothing but Hallween. BUT, I have you wonderful people and for that I'm eternally grateful!