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Newbie here/Story about my party....

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:44 pm
by pumpkinking
Hey all!

First of all, Happy Halloween! I was looking for a Halloween forum and I found one! Go me, not a day too soon! So anyways, I'm a 21 year old college student living in NYC and am in love with Halloween! It's my favorite Holiday and ever since I was a kid, I couldn't wait until October came around. Now older, and slightly more cynical, I'm feeling a little more bummed out about it.

This weekend, I spent a lot of money and time on a party I planned this and only a small fraction of guests invited showed up and the ones who did, were either spiritless or cranky. Also my roommate, who didn't really want to have the party, didn't do anything for it. I decked my whole apartment out. It looked incredible. But it's not the same with people who either are not in the spirit or didn't come. It was kind of sad for me because I just put a lot into it. It kind of ruined it for me this year, because in the past few years in college and in the city, it's hard to really get in the mood because people only through drunken theme-less house parties and not a lot of people decorate or trick or treat here. So I thought this year would be one to remember. My boyfriend was really supportive and had a blast, so I'm happy and thankful for him. I just wish that I wasn't so upset about how it all turned out.

I've been thinking about writing a Halloween fiction book and love all Halloween related movies/things from Nightmare Before to Halloween to The Halloween Tree etc. I just love it so much and am happy to be around a group of people who enjoy the holiday just as much in similar ways. I hope to get to know some of you and wonder if you guys only post on Halloween or all throughout the year? Any advice for getting over my party slump?

Look forward to talking with you all!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:53 pm
by midnight kitty
welcome to your new home. it sucks about your party, but oh well, you tried

New Member

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:24 pm
by spookyboo
First of all welcome new member so glad you could join us! I can totally understand your sadness. When I first started having partys I ran into some of the same problems I worked so hard on making the house look great down to the last detail and didnt have anyone to share my enthusiasm with. Dont let those who cant understand the whole Halloween feeling get you down. I do all my decorating first for me satisfy my Holiday visions
and over the years my good friends have come around and I sought out like minded people to share my holiday with. It sounds as if you already have atleast one great supporter in your boyfriend. Don't give up just keep at it and things will work out.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:39 pm
by Irish Slayer
The same sort of thing has been happening to me this year. Nobody around me is very enthused about Halloween. I am just in love with the feeling that Halloween is giving me this year ( It is comparable to the feeling that Santa gave me in years gone by) while other people see it as just another excuse to go out drinking.

Do not despair as they can take the man from Halloween but not Halloween from the man.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:07 pm
by pumpkinking
Thanks for the support guys!