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Great Halloween Start!

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:29 pm
by EvilMel
Ok so this morning I woke up to my black kitty, Bagheera, all snuggled up to me in the bed and Bobby Pickett's Monster Mash playing on the radio (as my alarm).

What a GREAT start to my Halloween!

Today at's horror movies all day long!

Tonight it's pumpkin carving, dinner, and horror movies! Then me and my friend are taking the pumpkins to my friend's house to give to their kids! Oh and I am opening my gift exchange partner's gift!

I'm so completely stoked.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:32 pm
by Big_Guh
That certainly is a picture perfect start. How is everyone else's big day unfolding so far??? I took off today and have already watched Halloween and part of H2. I'm just heading out to pick up some candy, and after that I'll perfect my props/fog machines, etc. for tonight. I'll pop back in in a few. Hope everyone is having a blast!

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:37 pm
by EvilMel
I'm watching From Dusk Til Dawn right now, then I'm gonna watch Alien. I'm saving Halloween for later when I am at home with my friend!

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:00 pm
by One Eye'd Jack
My day started with antisipation as to what would be on the board this morning! Great stuff so far!
I'm a bit peeved that Dennis Prager has a guest host in his place today :?
Todays the day we've all been waiting for and I'm plagued with having to fill out applications and then there's the interview with UPS tonight..... grrrrr.

I'll have the forum up most of the day so I'm sure not to miss anything!

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:12 pm
by Laurie Strode
Yep, very good start here..still finishing up decorations, but some things you just can't do until right before the festivities....the kids are enjoying their treat bags we left for them this morning and I'm fairly sure we'll be peeling them off the ceiling later after all the sugar intake. Whaddaya do? Expecting a small gathering of friends at dark to go TOT'ing with us and the camera is on the ready so let's HAVE IT!! :lol:

***One thing, though- I'm already having connection troubles with this site, anybody else in that boat?? I will be in panic mode extreme come tonight if that's still the case!***

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:29 pm
by One Eye'd Jack
Yeah... I'm having connection problems, too. It's all the BOTS I'm tellin ya! There are a TON of 'em on right now! :x

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:08 pm
by LawP
So far, so good. Snacks at work and several people dressed up throughout the courthouse. My "Dead Sox" costume is a hit (no pun intended) so I'll have to take some pictures. Tonight it's scary movies, hot chili and cornbread...with some Vampire merlot later in the evening while hot tubbing....aaaaahhhhhhh. :D

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:15 pm
by LawP
So far, so good. Snacks at work and several people dressed up throughout the courthouse. My "Dead Sox" costume is a hit (no pun intended) so I'll have to take some pictures. Tonight it's scary movies, hot chili and cornbread...with some Vampire merlot later in the evening while hot tubbing....aaaaahhhhhhh. :D

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:16 pm
by LawP
Obviously, I'm having problems connecting as well. The screen says it didn't go through and then I end up repeating myself. Sorry. :oops:

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:29 pm
by Big_Guh
Just got back from a large outdoor pedestrian mall we have here in Charlottesville and saw tons of people dressed up. Lots of dogs taking part in the festivities as well! It was beautful -- vibrant leaves, crisp temperatures, and lots of jack o laterns outside most businesses. Bought two large bags of candy and a couple more extention chords...I'm good to go!

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 10:08 pm
by MHooch
A little late to post on the day, but it was perfect...

Last minute shopping for the neighborhood party, fixin' food, listening to Harry Potter soundtracks, changing batteries in lights and such to be sure they last...great weather, cool, bright and sunny.

And then...TOT!!!

More about that later, I'm trying to download some pics.