by HalloweenMelanie » Thu May 01, 2008 6:21 pm
Rising Dead Man, it's not just a cross sitting there that's scary. It's the association with either cemeteries or vampires that's scary.
For example, Grim has a cross in bold black on a white coffin. It adds realism to have the cross there and it also stands out and looks very dramatic...and if there's anything Halloween is, it's dramatic.
Many mythical monsters throughout Christian history have "hated" crosses and that's why the cross association...many Europeans have believed that "monsters" are anti-Christian, from the devil, etc., etc. And a crumbling-down cross in a cemetery brings to mind the grave marker being very, very old and perhaps a spirit just waiting through the centuries to come back to life, etc....There is also the psychology in the predominantly Christian mind (the U.S. currently is above 75% Christian; Europe I believe is 79% Christian) that a decaying, decrepit or scared-Jesus-looking cross or crucifix symbolizes that "evil" is winning and "good" (Christianity) is losing, obviously a very scary thing in the Christian mindset.
Do you really not find the association creepy? I'm not Christian and even I find it creepy.