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The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:40 am
by Dittomist
Hey boils and ghouls. I thought it would be a good idea to post all of the Halloween Youtube goodies here, so we can all have easy access when we want to watch new videos and share our favorites.
So if you know of great Halloween-themed Youtube treasures, please post them here (even if you have already posted them in separate threads). Thanks! Happy haunting.

Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:41 pm
by Rising Dead Man
There was a video I saw that had clips from classic horror movies with the Halloween song playing. It was called Halloween Music Video. I was searching for it but could not find it. There are a million other videos with the same name. And when I search for it the search engine comes up with all these other videos that are NOT called Halloween music video. Wich it annoying!!! :evil: I search Halloween Music Video then they give me all these other videos that have names that are nothing like Halloween Music Video!

Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:04 pm
by Andybev01
"Just gather 'round and I'll elucidate,
what goes on outside when it's gettin' late..." ... re=related

Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:17 pm
by Rising Dead Man
The Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror!!!! :twisted:

Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:34 pm
by Andybev01

Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:00 pm
by Dittomist
Excellent choices so far guys!! :) In October I often look for Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes on youtube.

Oh well, I might as well whore myself out now and get it over with. I made a short Halloween film to answer the question of why I love Halloween so much. It basically contains every single visual, noise, and activity I could think of to represent October. I did most of the shooting in October '05 and '06, and went to every local pumpkin patch, haunted house, cemetary, etc with my video camera. And I also used a bunch of Halloween songs like The Monster Mash, Ministry's Everyday is Halloween, Oingo Boingo's Dead Man Party, and Helloween's Halloween.
part 1:
part 2:
part 3:

And if any of you are fans of the music group The Flaming Lips, definitely check this out:

Later I'm going to search for Halloween pranks and see if I get any hilarious results.

Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:38 pm
by Andybev01
I hope RDM's High School is as interesting as this one...


Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:05 pm
by Andybev01

Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:47 am
by angel222
Andybev01 wrote:"Just gather 'round and I'll elucidate,
what goes on outside when it's gettin' late..." ... re=related
what classic halloween disney cartoon there. Its my favorite. poor icabod.

Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:27 pm
by Dittomist
I am sure most of you have heard of a Halloween-themed film called TRICK 'R TREAT. It was supposed to come out in October of 2007, but the idiots at Warner Brothers decided that it might do better in February (perfect time for a Halloween movie, eh?). Then they screwed the movie and the horror community by dropping it altogether, even after the advertising, special screenings, and positive word-of-mouth. It has been heartbreaking and maddening to say the least.
Now there are rumors that Warner Brothers have picked up the film again, but this time it will be direct to DVD. As much as it deserves a successful theatrical release, at this point, I will settle for anything. They will probably screw things up again, but I am hoping they they can release it in October of this year.
Here is the trailer. Watch it and then you'll be salivating for TRICK R TREAT like I've been doing for ages.

Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:49 pm
by Andybev01
Things are just creepier in black & white...

and creepy clowns too!! ... re=related

Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:55 am
by littlest_witch_23

Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:04 pm
by Andybev01

I watched this every Saturday morning.

Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 12:14 pm
by littlest_witch_23

Re: The OFFICIAL Halloween on Youtube page

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:17 pm
by Andybev01
Gilda Radner as Judy Miller...don't open the closet door! ... /728454632