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My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:18 pm
by DemonSlayerMau
Today I mentioned getting a pizza for halloween, and the nice part about it is that I work during the day, and usually don't work my second job at subway until the afternoon (on the weekends only), so I'll be around for the trick or treating.
But, my grandma said she wasn't handing out candy this year, but I don't really have a problem with doing it myself, I have fun handing out candy (and then scarfing up the good stuff for myself...mwahaha)...

...but then she said she wasn't getting ANY candy this year.

No candy for Halloween!? BLASPHEMY! I know she doesn't like Halloween but does she have to ruin it for the rest of us? I plan on things like Cider and Donuts and handing out I'm even afraid to ask if I can decorate the porch.

Well, I told her that *I* would buy the candy this year. I think I can afford it because I've got two jobs now. She says it's impractical, but I tell her Halloween only comes once a year.
Then she makes up an excuse about how candy's bad for you, that we'll eat candy at Christmas and Easter and Valintines and blah blah blah...then mentions how Diabetes runs on both sides of my family... :roll:

Geesh...she sure knows how to ruin things. I know my mom can be a downer sometimes, but why does she have to ruin the fun?
Anyway, I plan on dressing like a pirate this year. Whether the house is decorated or not, I still plan on handing out candy. Looks like it's up to me to save Halloween this year. :lol:

Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:36 pm
by Haunt Master
Sorry about that. It was very sad, but you can handle it yourself! :D

Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:40 pm
by DemonSlayerMau
I'm sure I can. The idea of saving Halloween kind of makes me feel like some kind of Super Hero. XD;
Now let's just hope that I don't lose either of my jobs between now and then, but in any case, Halloween must go on!
Of course I will admit...she hasn't even been very excited about Christmas either since Grandpa died...
But the way I see it, Holidays exist for a very good reason... to have special days throughout the year to do something out of the ordinary that you wouldn't do any other day. Every holiday is special and unique, and Halloween is no exception. I look forward to each holiday, and I'm not letting Grandma ruin this one for me. XD;

Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:42 pm
by Haunt Master
I know I get off on November 1st, Saturday night and I begged my security boss to give me a night off on Halloween, so he consented it. ;)

Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:20 pm
by Rising Dead Man
That sucks. I don't understand why people have to crush peoples fun into a pulp just because they do not like it!!!! :x

Isn't she scared of angry trick or treaters TPing and egging her house?

Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 8:06 pm
by RckyMtnmomx3
Go ahead and decorate and get candy. You may be doing Grandma some good by keeping Halloween going, as well as other holidays. She may actually appreciate you bringing the fun back because she is unable to get herself into it after losing her husband.

Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:31 pm
by DemonSlayerMau
Well, grandpa died back in spring of 2006...I think she's a little happier than before but this year she doesn't want to do anything with halloween.
Might be able to talk her into the pizza if I'm paying for it, but other than that it's up in the air. I heard that my cousin got pretty upset because he wants a halloween party with lots of pop and she doesn't want to do anything.
She just...doesn't like Halloween I guess ^^;

Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:36 pm
by Haunt Master
Pizza is good! I would suggest you to buy Italian family-owned pizzeria shop because the pizza is very delicious better than any other regular pizza stores such as Pizza Hut, Papa John, Domino's etc. But, please understand if you buy or order pizzeria, I mean, Extra Large pepperoni pizzeria, the price would be around $22.00! :shock: Yeah, that's true! Honestly, good pizzeria!!! :D

I really can't encourage you to buy or order it because it is ALL up to you! ;) I've been worked at the pizzeria shop with family who were from Roma, Italy long time ago. We're still seeing each other some of other times. 8)

Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:48 am
by Halloween_crazyy
Thats such a bummer!
Every year my mom gets soooo excited for Halloween and decorates our house like CRAZY!! She even puts on a witch hat and a black dress.
But yeah, you can be the hero for Halloween! We should make a movie; "The person who saved Halloween" llol. :D

Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:15 pm
by Rising Dead Man
Well yeah, you should decorate a little or carve a pumpkin or something to try and get her in the mood for Halloween.

And sorry about grandpa. :(

Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 1:02 pm
by scorpio 40
why does everything have to revolve around your grandmother?
why dont you buy your candy , put ya costume on and order ya pizza to a friends house and enjoy the evening.
when she sees you have other plans away from home she may change her mind.
dont miss out, take ya halloween excitement elsewhere. live for today have fun !! :)
your only young once , although im old at 40 lol .

Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:49 am
by Pumpkin_Man
Families are nice to have, but family members, especialy older ones can be downers at times. I love Halloween, too, and ocassionaly my older brothers will come over to the house to watch the Chicago Bears Football game. One of my brothers was commenting on my Halloween decorations one time; "....Aren't you a little old for pumpkin lights, plastic ghosts and Charlie Brown?...." He likes to wear football jersys, so I comented back to him: "....Aren't you a little old for football jersies, and daydreaming about things that are unobtainable?...."

We usualy get along quite well, and I have to plead guilty to being difficult at times my self. There has been talk about all of us getting together, buying an entire condominium building and moving into it all together. I am against the idea, because I don't like living in a condominium, and I hate the town where they want to buy it. In fact, I've been a total and complete downer about it, but I do NOT want to move. And they know it.


Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:58 am
by RckyMtnmomx3
I believe it was George Burns who said (I'm paraphrasing) "Happiness is a loving close knit another state". I have a sister in my state, but not too close. A brother and parents in N. Dakota and another brother in Illinois. I wish we got together more but we do get along well. I believe a bit of distance does help.

Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 2:51 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
Rcky, one of the things that I notice after I moved out of my parents house is that not only my parents, but my brothers and sisters had more respect for me. In the house where I grew up, age counted for everything. Mom & Dad = King & Queen. Bob, my oldest brother was 2nd in comand. When Bob wasn't around, the next oldest would be incharge, and so forth and so on until it came down to me and my younger sister. She's only about 2 and a half years younger then I am, so we were pretty much equals in the eyes of Mom, Dad and the older brothers & sisters. As is probably the story of many people, being at the bottom of the 'pecking order' is no fun, and often corporal punishment was dole out. Criticism flowed like water out of a tap, though it was well intended. Don't get me wrong. We all loved each other, but having 9 people in one house often lead to sibling rivalry, and various 'power struggles' over the years.

Anyway, to make a long story short, my oldest brother was sent to Vietnam, and he was treated like royalty when he got home. My brother Jim went away to college, and when he would come home for a visit, he would be treated like the "Prodigal Son" in the biblical parable. My older sister went away to college a few years later, the same thing. She would come home for Christmas and for a couple of weeks during the Summer months, and it would be like Thanksgiving in July. Jamee (my younger sister0 and I, were the "gophers" or should I say "Go Fer" s at every family gathering for quite some time.

I didn't get to go away to college, so I had a few extra years of "go fering" until I got my f irst apartment. The difference in the way I was treated was like night and day.

I don't imagine my family situation is vastly different then most peoples. When you get a home of your own, your parents are going to miss you, as will any brothers and sisters you have. It may sound funny, but absence truely does make the heart grow fonder.


Re: My grandma's being a party-pooper this year

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 6:09 pm
by DemonSlayerMau
Well, if Halloween was on a weekend, like Saturday or Sunday this year...then I'd consider going to my mum's. My mother and stepfather always get excited over halloween. It's my stepdad's favorite holiday! My stepdad collects skulls and such, I think he rubbed off on me when it comes to that.
However, my stepfather hates cats...that most certainly did not rub off on me! Shoot, I think I've loved cats since I was five...hard to say though but that's about the age when we had our first kitties. XD;
My dad...he probably just doesn't care if halloween is celebrated or not. o.o
I wonder what's worse...hating halloween or just not caring if it's celebrated? o.o;