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Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:48 pm
by MyersFan1
Some of the greatest memories I have ever had was when I was going through elementary school during the fall season. I remember Halloween seemed to be a much bigger deal back then (before everything was so politically correct) and we always had things like Halloween parties in our classes where everyone could dress up and we all made Halloween crafts and food. At my particular school we had a festival every year at the beginning of October called the "Halloween Extravanganda", where everyone came in costume and Halloween games were played and candy was given out at the school. Looking back, these memories most likely sparked my love for Halloween and the fall season and I will certainly never forget them.

Did anyone else have any special memories from childhood pertaining to Halloween that you can especially remember that could have helped spark love for Halloween? Please share.

Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:17 pm
by ancient whitelighter
I feel the same way...Halloween seemed as though it was an innocent celebration of sharing and fun within the neighborhood and at school - not a PC problem or the target of religion. It really was so much fun! I wish that kids today could experience it. We too enjoyed parties and treats at school, dressed up in our costumes, and had a Halloween Parade outside where anyone passing by could enjoy seeing all the kiddies dressed up! Later that evening we would get all excited and go out trick-or-treating and boy, lots and lots of candy to be had! There were hardly any houses that didn't participate, even the apartment buildings would put out candy in the hall! It seemed like the night was full of mystery and spine-tingling fun! Seemed like we were out there for hours and hours! Never felt fearful or anything like that. I can remember going home to unload our pillow cases and then back out again! For me, it really was more about the whole experience - I didn't really even think about all that candy, but I sure enjoyed it afterward!! I share that feeling with you that those happy times are what made me love Halloween forever after :mrgreen:

Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:33 pm
by MyersFan1
You really hit the nail on the head, and I couldn't agree with you more. I too pity the kids today who do not have the oppurtunity to do the various Halloween activities that we had when we were children. I cannot imagine how my life would have been if I didn't have those memories to look back on, and I probably wouldn't be on this forum, but instead would be living a mundane life without passion for Halloween/Fall. Nothing to this day can top the excitement that I felt when I got home from school on October 31 and got my costume and pillow case ready for a night of trick-or-treating. Its a shame that adults can't get the pure happiness and joy out of simple things the way children do. If i could go back to those days I would in a heartbeat and it saddens me to think that kids today probably won't feel the way I do, and won't have the same memories like me and you because the world has changed. Like I said, nothing is cherished more than my memories.

Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:16 pm
by adrian
OMG yes!! i do my best to take myself back to that age around this time of year.. i think what i miss the most is just simply being around friends who are just as excited about halloween as i am. sitting by friends making all sorts of crafts, trick or treating, going into class rooms and seeing the halloween decorations for the first time!! its sad just knowing i'll never have that "young class room" feeling again :( unless i become a teacher :)

Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:47 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
One of my favorite childhood and Halloween memories was when the pumpkins would be put out for display at the farm stand at the corner of 111th and Central Park. It was on the far South side of Chicago, but before it was incorporated into Chicago some time in the 1920s, it was the township of Mt. Greenwood. It's the home of the only and last working farm within the Chicago city limits. Every late September the store keeper at thea farm stand would have those pumpkins out, and I couldn't wait to stop by to gaze at them. In 5th grade, my teacher bought one of those pumpkins and carved it during our lunch hour.

When it would get closer to Halloween, my younger sister and I got to go and pick out our Halloween pumpkins. 5th grad was the first year I got to actualy carve my own pumpkin. It was really fun. When Halloween finaly did arrive, we could stay up all night watching my das's 16mm version of "Nosferatu," because being in a Catholic school, we had All Saints Day off.

Halloween was truely something very special.


Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:10 am
by MyersFan1
adrian wrote: its sad just knowing i'll never have that "young class room" feeling again :( unless i become a teacher :)
I have often thought how much fun it would be to become an elementary school teacher. I think it would be awesome to be back in the atmosphere and be with the kids and all the excitement that they would bring you during Halloween and other holidays. Maybe one day I can sub for an elementary school class in October, who knows.

Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:20 am
by adrian
MyersFan1 wrote:
adrian wrote: its sad just knowing i'll never have that "young class room" feeling again :( unless i become a teacher :)
I have often thought how much fun it would be to become an elementary school teacher. I think it would be awesome to be back in the atmosphere and be with the kids and all the excitement that they would bring you during Halloween and other holidays. Maybe one day I can sub for an elementary school class in October, who knows.
you really should.. i took the text and got my substitute license in 07 and i enjoy it so much whenever i can do it... its easy to get and SO EASY to do

Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:40 am
by Alan Wake

Halloween parties were deemed "politically incorrect" for school.

Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:42 am
by adrian
John-117 wrote:Nope.

Halloween parties were deemed "politically incorrect" for school.

not down here :) schools still celebrate it every year!! its not totally gone :)

Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:46 am
by Alan Wake
adrian wrote:
John-117 wrote:Nope.

Halloween parties were deemed "politically incorrect" for school.

not down here :) schools still celebrate it every year!! its not totally gone :)
Good for you!

I hate these schools up here, they let politics run everything.

"Oh? One student in 9000 says Halloween sucks? HALLOWEEN IS BANNNNNED!"

Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:50 am
by adrian
John-117 wrote:
adrian wrote:
John-117 wrote:Nope.

Halloween parties were deemed "politically incorrect" for school.

not down here :) schools still celebrate it every year!! its not totally gone :)
Good for you!

I hate these schools up here, they let politics run everything.

"Oh? One student in 9000 says Halloween sucks? HALLOWEEN IS BANNNNNED!"

i feel sorry for people like that

Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:12 pm
by MyersFan1
It's the same way in my neck of the woods. The students celebrate Fall parties instead of Halloween parties, which focus on the Fall season as a whole instead of exclusively Halloween. The same thing with Christmas. Winter parties and festivals are celebrated instead of the various Christmas parties that I used to have, which is a real shame. Times are a changing I guess.

Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:39 pm
by ilovemichaelmyers
I remember making Halloween crafts at school for my Mom and bringing them home to her. I also remember my Mom and I carving pumpkins together every Halloween and dressing up even though we didn't have alot of money, she did her best to make me happy and I think that means more to me and the memories that were made can never be forgotten. Now that I have my own kids, I let them dress up as whatever they want and can carve as many pumpkins that their little hands will let them! They can watch scary movies while eating candy! (and brushing their teeth before bed is a MUST). Basically, I never let anyone else's opinions or oppressions get in the way of our lives. I have had a couple of people in the neighborhood saying how Halloween is the "devil's" holiday, I don't let it stop me, it inspires me to do more and decorate more freakishly the next time LOL Halloween is a time to forget who you are for a day and dress up and be anything. I wish I could go back in time and revisit those days of the masks that held onto your face with a string around the back of your head, seeing the little Smurfs, Rainbow Brites, Wonder Woman, and G.I Joes again, the smell of pumpkins mixed with the smell of candy corn in the cool night air walking down the street with no fear of being abducted. Ohhhhh those were the days and now I'm creating them with MY kids. Sorry for the book I just wrote LOL

Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:38 pm
by Rising Dead Man
I remember walking down the street with my bag. Going to a houses that had strobe lights, graveyards and scary sounds. No one does that anymore where I go for tricks or treats. But there is this one house that is still active every year. They put a big black sheet or something that has a face cut out in it on the garage doorway with an orange light inside. And they have a table set out with jack o lanterns and a bowl of candy. Best of all they hand out hot apple cider. It is a pretty safe neighborhood. So far I never died of poisoned apple cider. :wink: :lol:

But I miss the scary houses that had strobe lights and scary stuff. The closest last year was a guy dressed as Leatherface starting up a chainsaw and a strobe light flashing on him. Mostly Halloween is gone though. There was a house that had a lady dressed as a witch on her porch handing out candy. There are a few festive houses left. But it is no where near the same like it used to be.

Re: Does anyone else share these Halloween memories????

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:25 am
by Autumnal_whispers
Aww, my elementary school used to have a Halloween parade every year. Everyone would dress up and walk through the hallways and outside, and the parents could come and watch. Most of the teachers would just throw on a Halloween shirt, but my favorite music teacher of all time always dressed up as the evil lady in Sleeping Beauty. (Can't remember the character's name.) Then we'd go back to our classrooms and have our Halloween party and play some games. It was wonderful!

Then for some reason they stopped letting us do the Halloween parade, and then they stopped with the parties too. First they claimed that it was because kids were taking real knives and weapons to school for their costumes (I've never seen any proof of this.) and then my mom told me that supposedly my little PUBLIC school was claiming that Halloween was evil so they weren't going to celebrate. One year my class wiggled around it by having a "Fall Ball" party. We couldn't really have anything Halloween related or else we wouldn't be allowed to have it, so we just had a fall harvest theme, which was fine with me. I love anything fall-related as well.