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Carving/shading question for advanced carvers

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:37 pm
by Pumpkin56
Hey all. So I'm seeking some advice/tips from anyone who is skilled in the art of pumpkin shading (on artificial pumpkins). I have been asked to carve Gobber from How to Train Your Dragon and it needs to be done by October 14. I can't find a carving pattern for this character so I have to make my own. I figure the easiest way is to just print a decent picture of him and go from there. Considering my time constraints and what I'm working with, would it be easier to try and convert the picture to where it looks like a photo negative? For those of you who have done this or know how to do this, do you think that this would give me kind of a good idea of what to cut out and what to shade? Any tips would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!

Re: Carving/shading question for advanced carvers

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:31 pm
by jadewik
Not sure anyone else has carved funkins... I've done two and I hated it so much I haven't done any more. I'd answer your question about shading, but I tend to not like that style either...

Though, I do have some experience designing patterns... I can give you some tips and a starting-off place, but I can't help with the actual drawing due to a lack of time.

First thing I'd do is find a coloringbook page of Gobber. I'm not sure what pose you were going to use, but here's a link to a colorbook page of him I found: ... gobber.jpg

For other Gobber-like poses, try this link, which has some character concept art for the film: ... today.html

What you might try doing to help you make your pattern quickly is, first, print it out. Then, color the drawing with 3 different colors. Have one color be cuts all-the-way through. Have one be cuts that go part-way-through. The third color should be parts that remain.

... then, maybe, as a test run, cut out the portions of the paper that are "cut all-the-way through" to see if there are any "floppy" portions of your pattern or areas that would not be sturdy enough. Fix those areas and then carve in your funkin.

Re: Carving/shading question for advanced carvers

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:53 pm
by Pumpkin56
Thanks for that first link--it is the exact picture/pose of Gobber that I am planning on using (just the face). I hate Funkins too. I think the Michaels pumpkins are way easier to use.