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The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:40 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
What was the worst thing you ever found in your Trick or Treat bag after getting home from TOT and going through your candy. This includes the lamest, most boring, most dangerous, worst tasting, most disgusting, or anything that you thought was a TRUELY BAD CHOICE to hand out to TOTers.

Here is my list of the top 3 things that I thought was completely inappropriate to hand out for a TOT>

1. A ticket. It was one of those cardboard cupons that had "admit one" printed on one side and was blank on the other. The guy just had a roll of them and was handing them out to the TOTers.

2. An advertising flyer for an automobile dealership. This guy was actualy handing out flyers advertising the car dealorship that he worked at as a salesman. I was 10 at the time, so it's not like I was planning on buying a car.

3. An apple with a bite taken out of it. Yes, some guy was eating an apple, didn't like it for some reason, and when I rang his door bell, he threw this apple with a huge bite taken out of it right into my TOT bag. When he closed the door, I took it out of the bag and dropped it onto his porch.


Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:41 pm
by Rising Dead Man
OK! Those guys are morons!!

I hate it when someone gives me raisins! Hello! Halloween is for CANDY!! :roll:

Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:10 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
Well if you come to my house this year, it will either be a Nestles Crunch bar or a Buttfinger. I was going to go with lolly pops like I did last year, but this is the last Halloween before I have my Bariatric Surgery. After that surgery, it's no more processed sugar of any kins, so I am going to get candy that I like this year, and then lolly pops from that point on.


Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:26 pm
by GucciGirl
A toothbrush!!!! How brutal is that.....

However, the BEST was this apartment that was sort of tucked away...the ppl there didn't want kids knocking on the door and stuff, so they just used to get a big basket and fill it up with Mr. Big chocolate bars. Like FULL BARS!!! And they put a note saying "Please be respectful and take only one bar. When the basket is empty, we have no candy left, so do not ring doorbell."

So of course, everyone would always take like 5 bars and run!!! HAHAHA

Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:11 pm
by Shadowcat365
I think one of the worst things I got was a rock hard year old as big as my head popcorn ball. There was also this guy who sat there dressed as a scare crow with a bowl of candy who would chase the the kids away before he gave them the candy. He made my brother and cousin cry.

Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 12:07 pm
by Rising Dead Man
Sheesh there are some real morons out there! A big year old popcorn ball! How pathetic is that?!?!? :shock:

Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:44 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
That is pretty pathetic. That can actualy be bad for you to boot. Who knows where that pop corn ball was stored for the entire year. I think I would rather get the flyer from the car dealership.


Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 5:53 pm
by sweet_punk_angel
the worst ive ever gotten would have to be a pack of soup crackers, they werent even the orange peanut butter ones just plain old soup crackers!

Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 5:57 pm
by Rising Dead Man
Weird weird weird...... :roll:

Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:47 am
by Hallownerd
I've had two horrible experiences. One was a package of mini-blueberry muffins, and the next year I got chocolate-dipped pretzels (bad combination, trust me). That's all I can remember, but I'm sure there were more...

Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:12 am
by Ghoul of the Graves
The worst? It has to be a penny. All the other houses gave out sweets and a £ or two but this one guy gave me, my brother and my friend a penny. One penny and nothing else. From a jar.

Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:20 am
by Pumpkin_Man
When I was a kid, I use to love it when I got pennies, however, this back in the 60s and early 70s, when you could actualy walk into a "penny candy" store and buy something. the Mt. Greenwood Cleaners had a gum ball machine that only cost a penny and you would get two little squares of chewing gum. The price never changed, even after we moved to New Lenox in 1978, you could still get two squares of chewing gum for onc cent out of that gum ball machine.

Today, giving some one a penny is like the guy who gave out those worthless tickets.


Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:32 pm
by Ghoul of the Graves
Which is why I was annoyed. I mean I would have been happier with horrible tasting candy but at least he acctually bothered to answer the door, unlike most people where I went last year.

Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:09 pm
by Pumpkin_Man
That's pretty sad indeed, if nobody even bothers to answer the door in your area. Trick or Treat seems to be dieing off in a lot of places due to fear mongering in the media, or just plain apathy. A lot of beloved traditions are being lost in the name of so called "progress" and nef-fangled ideas that it's time to be more "modern" and replace all of our time-honored traditions with brand new "modernistic" ones like "Trick or Trunk."

A lot of land lords are making rules against people having decorations up out side, and some even prohibit having a real Christmas tree because insurance companies are pimping them for extra money in the name of "fire safety." Yep, our society wants everything to be "modern," and if you don't go along with it, you're an "unenlightened old fuddy-duddy" who can't except change.


Re: The WORST thing you ever got in your Trick or Treat Bag

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:40 pm
by Hallownerd
Pumpkin_Man wrote:Trick or Treat seems to be dieing off in a lot of places due to fear mongering in the media, or just plain apathy. A lot of beloved traditions are being lost in the name of so called "progress" and new-fangled ideas that it's time to be more "modern" and replace all of our time-honored traditions with brand new "modernistic" ones like "Trick or Trunk." A lot of land lords are making rules against people having decorations up outside. Yep, our society wants everything to be "modern".
Christ. I've never heard it put that way before, nor even heard of half of the stuff you said. Seriously, wow. I had no idea Halloween was becoming such an "I don't care anymore" holiday. If you don't mind, could you please expand on this for me? Like what is "Trick or Trunk"? and what is the media saying that is causing "fear"? and What do you mean modern?

Just to go back to the topic of this post, if people don't have decorations, or even a pumpkin, chances are, they won't have candy either so they'll give you <deleted> that's lying around. It's those silly christian folk that don't care for Halloween that really tick me off, as shown in this post which says al of our beliefs oh so clearly: No... It's an Art. Happy Halloween everyone, and seriously, keep this holiday an art, or we'll end up culture-less.