Jehovah's Witness

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Jehovah's Witness

Post by iHaunt » Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:49 pm

There was a knock on the door this afternoon.

My grandpa opened it and there was a young colored man standing there who said, "Hello. I'm a Jehovah's Witness".

My grandpa said, "Come in and sit down! Now, what do you want to talk about?"

That guy said, "Screwed if I know. I've never got this far before!"


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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by Spookymufu » Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:55 pm

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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:56 am

Jahova's Whitness are very friendly until I tell them that I'm Catholic. Then they practicaly run away from me.


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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by Spookymufu » Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:47 pm

my grandmother and my aunt were jahova's.........glad i didnt live any where near them...
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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:58 pm

I don't think they're that bad, but they do live by a very strict religious code, and I think they consider Catholics to be possessed or totaly controlled by the devil. I don't know what it is, exactly, but when ever I converse with them, they're totaly fine, until I mention in passing that I'm Catholic, or mention something related to Catholicism, and then they clam up. The conversation is over, and they can't get away from me fast enough. It's as if they were afraid of me or something.


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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by iHaunt » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:29 pm

I actually love talking to these people. Half of them don't even know what's in their own book!

P.S. I have equally as much fun with Mormons. :lol:

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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by Miss Monster » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:53 pm

Pumpkin_Man wrote: they can't get away from me fast enough. It's as if they were afraid of me or something.


I get the same reaction from them :) Which is funny because I have a few JW cousins.
The last time they came to my door I invited them inside, but they didn't want to come in. They said they'd be back, but that was almost a year ago :P

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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by witchy » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:36 pm

I just tell them I'm a Witch & they run for the hills!!! :lol: :wink:

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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by iHaunt » Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:46 am

They were there today this afternoon, and I refused to open the door for them because I didn't have time to talk to them. I hate to talk with them for one hour, maybe more... Also, they did convince my grandpa to join their church, but he didn't want to do because he is Baptist. :?

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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:04 pm

No offence intended, but the Jahova's Whitness movement is t a cult, and cults are a good thing to avoid. I hope I'm not offened anyone, but cults often are very actively recruiting in every town. They target those of us who live alone, or feel dejected by society. They target poor people, the handi capped, the disenfranchised elderly. They come on to you like they're your best friend, but as soon as you join them, they shunn you if you do anything that's contrary to their teachings. But dont' take my word for it. Go ont he web and read some of the horror stories that former Jahova's Whitness and other ex cult members have to tell. It's not pretty. And let's not forget James Jones. His cult promised a safe, happy, loving world, and what he delivered was a night mare of opression, corporal punishment, long work hours for little pay, little food in a hot jungle, and ultimately a nightmare of mass suicide.


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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by Spookymufu » Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:57 pm

Mike, you just described every religion on earth........I wount call any religion a cult, they could all be a bunch of hooie, we dont really know.....besides, I never would insult ANYONES religion no matter how stupid I might think it is because it's their religion.....anyway, I am not jehova and you didnt insult me, but just hope I made my point to you...
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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by Spookymufu » Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:45 am

I should add, "with the exception of that james town part"
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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:06 pm

Spooky, you did make your point, but I think there is a world of difference between a religion and a cult. I don't begrudge anyone their belief system, be it a cult or a religion, but I don't think the Jahova Whitnesses or any other cult has anything in common with a true religion, other then belief in God.


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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by Spookymufu » Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:34 pm

I dont think you did get my point....everything you criticized the Jehovah witnesses of doing, all other religions do it too, Catholics, Christians, Mormons and all others, they are always trying to "recruit" new members, they all promise this or that....I dont believe the witnesses are a cult any more then I believe the Catholics are...they are all pretty much basically the same, they just have more of this or believe more in that, but are all basically the same....You dont believe that Catholicism is the one and only "true" religion do you?
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Re: Jehovah's Witness

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:06 pm

I can't say that I agree with you. Cults can be very dangerous, and use methods that are harmful to people. The practice of shunning, for instance, is commonly used by Jahova's Whitness and other cults. The Catholics would never do that. Neither would the Baptists, Methodists, or most other Christian denominations. In the Jones Town cult, people were actualy publicaly beaten with a rod, and children were lowered down into a dty well where a guy dressed as a devil/monster was there to scare them and torment them. Most religious demonations would NEVER use such tactics to get their belief system across. Is the Catholic Chursh less them "perfect?" Well, I would honestly have to say "yes," but there is a world of difference between a religion like Catholicism and a cult.

Do I think the Catholic Church is the "one true faith?" The teachings on that particular subject are numerous, but in a word, the answer is "yes." I do believe that the Catholic Church is the one true Church of Christ, BUT both the Church and the Bible teaches that anyone who does "what he knows to be right in his heart" is saved. Catholics are BY NO MEANS the only group who enter God's Kingdom, and that is taught to all Catholics. It is our belief, and my belief, that the Catholic Church was founded by Christ, and that the first Pope was St. Peter. I don't want to go into a long winded explanation, because the question you posed is a very complicated one. So to make a long story short and to fi nish off, hopefully without offending anyone or starting a flame war, I believe what the Catholic Church teaches. So yes, I do believe that the Catholic Church is the One true faith, but ai also believe, as it is taught, that being a non Catholic does NOT guarentee you a one way ticket to hell, any more then being Catholic guarentees you a one way ticket to Heaven.


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