What made you sad today?

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Post by Midnite Shadow » Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:40 am

Belladonna wrote:
Midnite Shadow wrote:heehee of that I have no doubt. Good thing I am part Bat and can fly ;)
Lol I'll have my slingshot ready and loaded for you. hehe

Ok...don't trip and fall while aiming ;)[/quote]

*Takes aim at your backside* I might be clumsy, but I'm a dead aim! ;)[/quote]

Take yer best shot Mama!! hee hee LOL I am Batman...
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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by Castle » Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:06 pm

I'm at my doctor's office. You'd think an erection lasting a few hours would be a good thing.
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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by Andybev01 » Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:18 pm

I think that warning about dizziness or blacking out is fraught with hilarity!
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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by iHaunt » Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:50 pm

I have no problem with my erection! :shock: My cut is as good as it is right now! :lol:

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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by witchy » Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:16 pm

I just found out my cat has cancer, I am sooo upset, she is only 5 years old, and last year they had to put a feeding tube in her because she got sick from something else. I thought cats were suppose to live like 20 years or so.
I know it's silly for me to get soo upset but she was my baby :cry: .

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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by Midnite Shadow » Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:17 pm

Awwwwwwwww I'm sorry Witchy....that's terrible news. :( :cry:
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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by Murfreesboro » Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:22 pm

Witchy, my beloved cat of 13 years died of natural causes on Monday. I wasn't going to write about it here, but I understand your grief. I looked on a website that converts cat years to human years. According to them, my Alice was 68 in human years. I wish she could have had longer. I, too, have heard tales of cats who live to be 18 or 20. We will miss her terribly. But, as is the case with people, the ones you wish would live the longest don't always do so.

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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by Andybev01 » Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:39 pm

My childhood pet was an all black (including her nose and the pads on her paws) short-hair cat named Tomasina (yes, after the Disney movie).

She and I were born in the same year and she lived to 19.

I know what you mean about pets being part of the family. She was always just...there, then I went off to college and came home one day and she was gone.

Sorry to hear about your cat witchy. :(
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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by iHaunt » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:18 pm

Sorry to hear about your car, witchy! :( Well... my stepbrother had a cat for 10 years, but he was died from eating a rat poison under the house! :shock: So I told my grandpa about the rat poison things, u know? I told him not to put any more rat poisons under the house or somewhere because if my dogs or cats will eat that they don't know what is it! :evil:

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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by witchy » Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:42 am

Thank you everyone, it did help to talk about it, my husband wants to go out and get 2 more kittens, but it won't replace my sweetheart, I hope it helps!!

Murfreesboro I am sooo sorry for your loss!!! :cry: I truely understand!!

Ihaunt I'm sorry about your cat also!! :(

Andybev01 your cat sounded absolutely beautiful, you were luck she lived a long and wonderful life.

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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by ancient whitelighter » Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:37 pm

(((((((witchey))))))) (((((((Murf)))))))) :( :cry:

So sorry to hear about your babies.
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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by iHaunt » Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:29 pm

Witchy, thank you.... my stepbrother already got a black cat about a year ago, and he doesn't like to stay in the house all the time. He loves to run, hide and climb on the house roof. :lol: He loves to sleep on the roof! :D

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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by witchy » Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:28 am

Thank you ancient whitelighter, it mean alot!!

We had to put my cat down last Saturday, she was running a high temp, I will truely miss her!! :(

And thank you all for all the well wishes, you guys are the best!!!

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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by Belladonna » Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:40 pm

So sorry to hear that, Witchy! Hugs! It is indeed a sad thing.

Murfreesborough, so sorry to hear about your loss as well. Hugs for you too.
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Re: What made you sad today?

Post by witchy » Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:48 pm

Thanks Bella!! How are your babies doing? Did I mention I got two little kittens too, Luna & Salem, they are very cute!!

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