I want to become a horror writer someday.

Halloween writing, poetry, fan pics and more!
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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by ChaosChick » Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:47 pm

I wouldn't worry about it... but you should put a warning or something on it. Just in case. I don't know who would plagarize your stories, unless it is some high schooler who really wants to be killed academically. I don't have much experience, however. Just my thoughts.
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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by Murfreesboro » Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:04 am

IDK. There is tons of creative writing on the net, but if I had something I was serious about trying to publish for profit, I wouldn't share it on line.

You need to find a local writers' group or class. You could share your fiction and get feedback in a somewhat safer setting, I think.

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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by Rising Dead Man » Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:21 pm

Murfreesboro wrote:IDK. There is tons of creative writing on the net, but if I had something I was serious about trying to publish for profit, I wouldn't share it on line.

You need to find a local writers' group or class. You could share your fiction and get feedback in a somewhat safer setting, I think.
I guess I'll just continue showing samples then.

Craig Whoishe lived far from Sid in a few miles of nature that everyone considered a town. Pressure had been building on him for months. It was bad enough the past was following him around. Now that thing came back and was making the memories and his knowledge of what he has caused worse.
"Please, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, leave me alone."
Either that turned out to be a myth, or it just didn't feel intimidated by them. He had even bought a prayer rug and tried to drive it away. Maybe God just wasn't helping him. But he was supposed to forgive sins. Craig was probably unforgivable for his crime, no matter how many years ago it had been. In the last few months his dreams were no longer an escape. He was okay with that. He didn't even deserve the luxury that he took from thousands of others. Tonight in his sleep he tried to reason with it. He stood in the usual place, that room he wanted to forget. He stared at the eyes and teeth that still managed to unnerve him. He spoke to it.
"Look, I finally cracked, okay? I sent your mug to Tim. So what the f u c k are you still bothering me for? I already freed you, I sent your <deleted>-face to someone. What do you want now?
The thing's teeth spread apart.
It asked him if he really thought it just wanted to torture people.
Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by Rising Dead Man » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:13 pm

Rising Dead Man wrote:I never got around to doing much editing for Suicide Mouse. But I did get an even shorter story done. I want to post it but, first one question, is it rational to worry that someone might plagiarize it? I mean, it is the internet, anyone and find it and take it.
I submitted it to an online magazine. If they except it, I'll post a link to it. It's about a supernatural fight between Halloween and Christmas. It's only a page or so long.
Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
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Let terror, then, be turned into a treat...
~Nicholas Gordon

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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by Rising Dead Man » Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:32 pm

Rising Dead Man wrote:
Rising Dead Man wrote:I never got around to doing much editing for Suicide Mouse. But I did get an even shorter story done. I want to post it but, first one question, is it rational to worry that someone might plagiarize it? I mean, it is the internet, anyone and find it and take it.
I submitted it to an online magazine. If they except it, I'll post a link to it. It's about a supernatural fight between Halloween and Christmas. It's only a page or so long.
It was rejected. I'm trying another.
Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
As though it were a slightly sour sweet.
Let terror, then, be turned into a treat...
~Nicholas Gordon

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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by zoltan hound dracula » Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:54 am

Rising Dead Man wrote:
Rising Dead Man wrote:
Rising Dead Man wrote:I never got around to doing much editing for Suicide Mouse. But I did get an even shorter story done. I want to post it but, first one question, is it rational to worry that someone might plagiarize it? I mean, it is the internet, anyone and find it and take it.
I submitted it to an online magazine. If they except it, I'll post a link to it. It's about a supernatural fight between Halloween and Christmas. It's only a page or so long.
It was rejected. I'm trying another.

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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by Rising Dead Man » Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:28 am

Thanks. :D
Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
As though it were a slightly sour sweet.
Let terror, then, be turned into a treat...
~Nicholas Gordon

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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by Rising Dead Man » Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:23 pm

I have a piece here. It's not a real story, it was a little writing exercise.

Nick admired the dark decor and the depressing lighting. Three tiny skulls, probably those of children, he thought, hung above the flames in the fireplace.

"I see you like my mockery of the Holy Trinity."

The voice sounded like it was from a voice almost as old as God himself. Nick looked at the owner of it, at least, he tried to. The dark lighting shaded what wasn't covered by his hood.

"The fire produces cold instead of heat. If the Almighty's gonna stick me in a hot son-ofa-bitch hellhole, I'll want some air conditioning, and it's also a nice little mockery of His burning bush to boot."

Nick reached out his hand over the table the man sat in front of.

"Mr. Lucifer."

"Such customs don't go in this world. Sit the <I have a poor vocabulary> down and let's get this over with."

This surprised him, but why should the inventor of evil's manners surprise him? He sat in the chair, bound my human flesh. The Devil spoke.

"And it's not Lucifer. People make this mistake all the damn time. The name is only mentioned once in the Bible, and as you know, I'm mentioned all over the place. It actually belongs to a king of Babylon. They misinterpreted it because the guy looked like me, I guess. Isaia also never predicted a virgin birth, Noah brought a hell of a lot more than two of every kind on the ark, and my ID is 616. Hell, I know the Good Book more than the guys and gals that think they're the 'True Christians'. There are so few reall ones left. I have the world more decieved than you can ever imagine."

"Okay. Um, what is your real name then?"

The Devil sat back, revealing a chin that immediatly made Nick think of a Halloween witch.

"Satan will do just fine."


"Let's cut the bullshit. You want to kill your son."

"That's why I called you."

"Just do it yourself."

"I don't want to risk leaving any evidence. Do you think I want my life, image, and anus fucked behind bars?"

Satan smiled, chucked slightly.

"Alrighty then."

He appeared to be fumbling in a pocket.

"I have just what you need."

He took out a skeletal leg, attached to an arm, too large to fit in a pocket of the physical world, and set it on the table. The bone was black, crumbling, and had glowing spots throughout it.

"Don't worry. It won't hurt to touch, and despite it's look it will only fall apart at you will. You'll know what to do with it when you have it. And it will only cost any chance you'll ever have of salvation."

He took off his hood. The murder of his son didn't phase Nick, but the face gave him a headache.

"Know what you're treading into, Nicky. Can you deal with suffering beyond what God himself can bear?"
Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
As though it were a slightly sour sweet.
Let terror, then, be turned into a treat...
~Nicholas Gordon

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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by Rising Dead Man » Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:10 pm

Rising Dead Man wrote:
Rising Dead Man wrote:I never got around to doing much editing for Suicide Mouse. But I did get an even shorter story done. I want to post it but, first one question, is it rational to worry that someone might plagiarize it? I mean, it is the internet, anyone and find it and take it.
I submitted it to an online magazine. If they except it, I'll post a link to it. It's about a supernatural fight between Halloween and Christmas. It's only a page or so long.
And it got accepted!

http://www.microhorror.com/microhorror/ ... the-light/
Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
As though it were a slightly sour sweet.
Let terror, then, be turned into a treat...
~Nicholas Gordon

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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by Murfreesboro » Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:45 am

Congrats on getting published!

Micro-horror indeed! It's amazing that a person can tell a complete story in so few words like that. You do a good job of using key details to evoke the characters.

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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by Ghostwriter1983 » Mon Oct 08, 2012 3:42 pm


I'll share with you and readers the 'secret' to helping me write my ghost stories. My inspiration comes from looking at anything supernatural, such as a ghost picture off of the website


Just type in the words ghosts, supernatural, apparition, witchcraft, paranormal and so on. You will get to see thousands of photos folks have taken.

Especially the categories, asylum and levitation.

Anyways, once I see the photo I like I write my story around the photo. I go to bed thinking of that photo and my sub-conscious does the rest.

This formula works for me, perhaps it will work for others who would like to be a writer.


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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by Ghostwriter1983 » Mon Oct 08, 2012 4:16 pm

This is probably one of my most enjoyable posts shared at this site because writing is my passion. I will never be famous or rich like Stephen King, but that was never my goal when I picked up my pen. In truth, becoming a writer back in 1983 was the very last thing on my mind. I was a student in college, majoring in law enforcement and needed a 5 credit elective to fill my credit load for the quarter.

As I browsed through the catalogue of courses, my eyes stumbled onto a course called ‘creative writing’. It said no books were required and there were no exams. Those two things told me I could save money and not have to worry about studying for that course. It also said, just show up and you’ll get a ‘C’. Well, I was sold and enrolled. The class was large and consisted of people of all ages.

Some were there to polish their writing skills, while others were there to hopefully write and share their first poem or story. Others were long time writer’s and were there to hone their skills. As for me, I planned to write no poems or stories. But as each student stood up and read what they had written something happened. It was as if I had been watching a ‘black and white television all my life and suddenly was staring at a color television.

One day my teacher, Mr. Wicks said, Raymond, why don’t you write a poem? I remember laughing out loud and answering, “Why would I write a poem?” He replied, who knows Raymond, you may like it.” How right he was. The poems dripped from the tip of my pen like honey, though I am sure back then, they were far from good poems. But they were the beginning for me as a writer and the doorway was now open.

Between 1983 and 2001 the poems I had written couldn’t be counted. But there was a disappointment I felt inside as poet. I felt limited as a poet because many times I couldn’t say everything I wanted because the poem took on the shape of a story more than a poem. So in 2002, I embarked on writing stories. I grew up watching the masters of suspense and horror such as Vincent Price, Boris Karloff, Lon Cheney Jr., Bella Lugosi, Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee.

So it was no surprise that many of my stories focused on the supernatural. But I didn’t limit myself to those types of stories. My imagination tried to capture with my pen whatever my mind felt was worth writing. So from 2002-2009 I write my ghost related stories and never have regretted a moment. But in 2011 for reasons I cannot explain, I switched to writing western frontier type books. I wrote 4 westerns in 2011 and 6 more in 2011.

They can be found at: www.wasitfateordestiny.com

Yet in the middle of my 11th book I stopped, sat my pen down and decided that I really missed writing supernatural stories and in November, after I come back from vacation I will return to writing that which I love to write, stories about Haunted houses, Ghosts and Vampires! I urge anyone who has that craving to write supernatural stories to not let your nervousness or insecurity stop you from pursuing something that you long to do.

I urge you to enroll in your local college creative writing class. Many instructors will let you sit in on his or her class if you have no money for tuition fees. You will be amazed at how many other folks are embarking on their writing journey and they will inspire you to reach the end of your journey as a writer. If writing is your dream, life is too short to live with regrets of not doing what you’d like to do most.


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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by writerpatrick » Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:04 pm

The advantage of writing poetry is that it improves your prose.

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Re: I want to become a horror writer someday.

Post by Rising Dead Man » Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:35 pm

I haven't been writing at all lately. Last time I tried I thought my writing sucked. The motivation to read and write is there. But there's this mental block for some reason. I've hardly been reading either. I should if I want to get more inspiration.
Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
As though it were a slightly sour sweet.
Let terror, then, be turned into a treat...
~Nicholas Gordon

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