Let me dust off my soap box and get up on it......
I'm a very firm believer in Freedom of Religion. I'm also a very firm believer in Freedom of Speech. However; those freedoms cease where MINE START!
I don't push my beliefs on others and expect the courtesy returned. Unfortunately there are folks out there, and many of them feeling embolden by their churchs stance on various issues. Halloween being one of them; they can attack it with total impunity. At least they THINK they can.
Back in the 1980s you had various church groups trying to abolish or outlaw halloween. Thankfully most of them did not succeed and I know of several churchs who almost went under when their membership decided to go someplace else. It was the usual bogus message, from some bigot who calls himself a man of the cloth, but in turn demands your total subservience. Another name for that is called slavery.
These jerks wanted to make sure that you or your kids didn't spend money on anything that wasn't okayed by them. Put simply, they were scared if you spent money on halloween, you could not afford to pay for the preachers new Cadillac. So he says your kids are going to burn in eternal fire if they go to halloween parties and you are right behind them.
Think of the original movie Footloose, with John Lithgow not having ANY socially redeeming qualities. Get the picture?
It's all about power and money. They want to have power over you and tell you when and where to spend your money. Not to mention how and what to think.
Kinda' shows not much of a difference between so called men of god and politicians, huh?