Nice I actually never knew the history of this famous painting! I always saw it everywhere but never knew about it! Learn something new everyday!
I was thinking last night before I went to sleep on how I can make this windowkin. The way I was hoping to do is sort of the opposite to what I have seen generally. When I see the windowkin it is usually black with the patter cut out. I was thinking of using this idea if possible:
I decided I will use the center window since you will be able to see it from the road as well as walking up to the door to get candy. Now the idea I have I am thinking of either doing just the right side of the window or possible the whole window. The idea I have is a little different. I want it to look real as if it were a shadow of the farmer watching over his pumpkins. So I want to switch the colors almost if this is possible.
My window has this frame work which cannot be seen from the outside so I will use that to my advantage. I want to have just the outline of the window in black. On the inside I want it to be all yellow as if a light was on in the room. Then in the right window I would love to have the black silouette of the farmer with some detailed etching such as have his wrinkles showing or have him wearing glasses staring down at the yard in a scary way. So behind him will be all yellow tissue paper so I want to make that seem like a light is on. I am not sure if I just want to shut the left window shade and just have the right one open if that would make it more life like.
This is my window with the frame work highlighted.
I will do my best in paint to show you what I mean.
This is part one of my design. I want to have a foam board either across my whole window or just the one on the right. I will have just the foam on the frame of the window and have Farmer John also connected to as well on the right side. Everywhere else you see in the window will be all yellow tissue paper. I want to give the impression that this is just his shadow. I would love to include the window lines as well I am not sure if they will show up on their own or if I should have them with the foam board.
Now onto part 2 of my design.
I would love to have just details showing of just his eyes maybe have him in a shirt and cut out a pattern on it or have him wearing glasses. This will be staring at the back view of the room.
Do you have any advice so far?