Early Halloween Sightings!

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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by JonH » Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:32 am

a lot of you probably already have seen it, but Spirit Halloween is in the middle of their yearly summer "pre-season" clearance sale online (spirithalloween.com). Actually some very good prices on good stuff (I took advantage of a $10 hanging head - normally $20 to $30 - and a really cool zombie-hand-holding-a-strobe-light-lantern that will go nicely on the bookshelf)

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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by tantraman » Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:29 pm

I saw these yesterday at CVS, I almost bought them but I remembered I did not like them last year.
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happy happy halloween silver shamrock.

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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by Fall fanatic » Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:56 am

Swung by the Dollar Store yesterday (which is usually the first place I find Halloween stuff every year) and still nothing. There is fall stuff out for crafting -- which is nice to see -- but nothing on the Halloween front, yet. I'd imagine it will be here any day now.

But I did find some newly-stocked candy corn this weekend. First goodie of the season, and it was great.

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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by MacPhantom » Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:29 am

Hallmark store had some stuff out... :o

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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by SIEFKA » Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:36 am

Went to the local Jo Anne Fabrics they had some Halloween it was mainly Autumn decor. Went to Michael's that I prefer anyways until a Halloween store opens and they have already gotten out Halloween decor a total of 3 aisles worth! It puts me in the Halloween spirit along with a chill in the air, my yard haunt decorating, and Halloween music!

I just can't wait until next Halloween,
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that will really make them scream!
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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by NeverMore » Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:39 pm

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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by Andybev01 » Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:10 pm

That reporter needs the Halloween spirit smacked into him.
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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by Demonic Duck » Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:46 am

I was in A&P two weeks ago and saw this display of candy behind the registers...the cashier claimed it was "back to school". I'm not sure what candy has to do with back to school but it's clearly Halloween candy...note the ghost and Jack O' Lantern.
candy 1
candy 1
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candy 2
candy 2
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Eww candy corn!
candy 3
candy 3
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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by Demonic Duck » Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:47 am

candy 4
candy 4
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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by MauEvig » Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:24 am

I spotted some Halloween candy and some Pumpkin Spice air fresheners at the local Dollar General! It really got me excited! I can't wait to see the decor.

I've already seen some stuff in my Grandma's catalog for Halloween. I believe she said something along the lines of thinking of me when she saw that stuff. I guess my Halloween spirit really shines through.

I hope they have some Halloween candy at work. I really wish they'd let me decorate, it could use a bit of cheer there. At least they decorated for the 4th of July. (Personally I've seen some Halloween decorations that are pretty harmless and wouldn't offend the public like friendly Jack o Lanterns and black cats, there doesn't need to be anything too scary like skeletons and zombies or dripping blood or things popping out at you. I know the entire point is to be scary, but I rather see cutesy decorations than nothing. Some of my own decor is pretty cutesy, and some is scary. I like variety. lol)
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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by Andybev01 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:23 pm

Sorted through the mail this afternoon and was happy to see the new Grandin Road catalog. :)
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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by MauEvig » Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:15 pm

Thanks for sharing Andy. I decided to check out the website, great selection there! Too bad it's way out of my price range. ^^;
Still I really like their selection of black cats and stuff. The one blow up looks a bit like one I saw at Walmart, except this one isn't animated like this one is. Oh well. Still nice to browse and window shop. Maybe one day when I have a better paying job (or when I become a best seller with my book.)
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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by Andybev01 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 11:47 pm

I too am not in the right tax bracket for their stuff.

I bought a crawling hand from them off season and will be on their mailing list for eternity.
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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by MauEvig » Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:06 am

Off season tends to be the best time to buy decorations for any holiday (especially Christmas, because in my opinion that's the best time to stock up on Christmas lights and ornaments and such), but unfortunately if you wait too long it's gone! I've lucked out though on a lot of things this year and managed to get a lot of free stuff. I remember getting a few t-shirts marked down after Halloween was over, and a lot of times yard sales have some really good deals. If I can catch them early enough I can get some of the candy marked down, but usually the good stuff like the Reeses is taken already.

I can't say the same for my porch swing though. The one at Wal-Mart I'd been keeping my eye on for months, when it finally went down in price and I was going to use my Birthday money toward it, it slipped right out from under me. A shame really. I liked this particular model. Maybe I'll have better luck at K-Mart, or keep looking for one. There's always next year though. Haha.
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Re: Early Halloween Sightings!

Post by Demonic Duck » Fri Aug 01, 2014 9:51 am

Andy I got that magazine too. I love the skeleton walking the dogs. I want to get it so bad but I know it is not in budget. :(

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