Calling All Pagans

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Calling All Pagans

Post by Haunted Horseman » Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:17 pm

I have a question for all our Pagan friends. I'd really like to learn more about your religion. No I'm not looking to convert :D Since there has been some discussions about Christians and Halloween, it really peeked my interest when I learned that some of you are practicing Pagans. I suppose I could get information via a google search, but that's no fun and I'm lazy. :twisted: Anyway, I'd like to hear about it first hand from some one who practices. Can you tell us a little about your beliefs? When I hear the term Pagan, I think of Greece and Rome and their pantheon of Gods. Now, I know that's not you. But what does being a modern day Pagan mean? :?: :D
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Post by MHooch » Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:35 pm

Good question, I'm interested, too...
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Post by SpookieLil.Katriona » Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:05 pm

Well to me, the simplest way to explain it is this...
Christians have one God.
One supreme being which of course you know.
Pagans have many Gods and Goddesses.
For different things....
But without going into all that!
I see the God and Goddess in everything in nature.
From the smallest lil bug to the biggest tree.
Nature is my church and everything in it are the Gods and Goddesses essences.
I also believe in things not everyone can see such as faeries ghosts etc....
As I have said my black cat Jasper is my familiar, no he does not "talk" to me like Sabrina's cat Salem when no one is looking we just have a bond I guess you would say.
I am also physic to a degree and read tarot cards.
The religion encompasses so much I guess it would be easiest to say if you have any more questions feel free to ask me and I will try my best to give you an answer...
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Post by magickbean » Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:19 pm

Well, as there are many different paths of Paganism, I'm not sure that you'll get a straight answer from all of us there ;) But, in the simplest terms, and the way I explain it to all those curious souls out there who would ask me personally, is:

I believe in the power of nature and the energy of life. I believe in the duality of nature - of good and of evil, of light and dark, encompassed within two main forms - the God and the Goddess. Some Pagans are Dianic or feminist Pagans - but I think you have to have both sides of nature and that they co-exist in everything around us. I believe in the power of Magick - as such, Magick really is the harnessing of the natural energy of the Earth and the power within oneself.. for example, the power of positive thought can make things happen that perhaps before you thought unlikely or even impossible.

The basic Pagan ethos is - do unto others as you would have do unto you, what goes around, comes around, and respect nature and all living things.

As for labels, well *shrugs* I used to classify myself as a Celtic Pagan, because that's where my blood roots belong to (in Ireland) and I believe in the "little people" (who are like faeries) - however, I'm not so into the pantheon of gods idea. Like I said before, I believe in the God and the Goddess - both sides of a whole. :)


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Post by Wicked » Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:32 pm

I, too, have been very interested as of late... some primal feeling I can't quite explain seems to lure me in to this type of stuff... and the more I learn, the more interested I become.
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Post by MHooch » Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:34 pm

Thanks for the info, guys!
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Post by Haunted Horseman » Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:38 pm

Yes, thanks very much guys for sharing. :D
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Post by SpookShowBaby » Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:50 am

The way that I usually try and explain it is that Paganism is the umbrella for all the religions that have multiple deities and are mostly 'nature based' with a Goddess and a God as the main two deities. Whether its Celtic, Heathen (Norse), Hellenistic, Dianic, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, or anything else. And within each of those, there are more groups (sects) that have their own beliefs as well. Kind of like Christianity for example. Under that umbrella you have Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, etc. And under each of those there are more break downs Missouri Synod, ELCA, etc.

Wicca is the most common form of Paganism. And for a lot of Pagans, it's not about spells and magic. There is more of a serious spiritual connection, we feel a strong calling from the Goddess, or Great Mother, and the Earth in general. We usually keep to ourselves and try and stay out of the way after years of persecution and harassment. Most of us don't like conflict (like the other thread that got a little out of control) and just want everyone to get along and set aside differences. Most of us are open to other belief systems, we just don't want to convert back to Christianity please.

Most of the stereotypes that people have of Witches, in my opinion (no one really thinks of the other Pagan groups), are a result of the Catholic church loosing power and trying to convert the masses to Christianity. And for whatever reason they just stuck.

If anyone has any other questions, I will try my best to help answer those also. :)
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Post by SpookieLil.Katriona » Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:53 pm

Very well said magickbean and SpookShowBaby
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Post by deadbride » Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:51 pm

Well said my fellow pagans! I don't think I can add much to that.

I "converted" to paganism several years ago after finally realizing I didn't fit the mold of conventional religion. I never did, I always questioned everything.

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Post by Haunted Horseman » Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:38 pm

Hey Thanks agin guys. I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts about your beliefs. :D
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Post by SpookShowBaby » Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:19 pm

No problem. I like to talk about it, but not preach. It would be nice if everyone out there could see that what we believe in is not bad or evil, just different.
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