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Laurie Strode

Post by Laurie Strode » Sun Nov 04, 2007 5:58 pm

I'm already on it, and there'll be more to come!

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Post by Dutchess of Darkness » Sun Nov 04, 2007 7:54 pm

Well can't talk long, but I'm just in tears. I've been kinda feeling hurt since so many people I help have all but forgot who I am it seems since they heard about the financial situation I'm in with Draven's surgery, interesting how you're there every time the need arises and then when you're in need all of a sudden nobodys around, and some of these folks I just helped finanically a couple of weeks a go, or driving them to and from work when I pay $1.20 a liter for my gas never wanting any money in return, as I've always just said, don't worry about the money, when I need help may be you could help me out, interesting how not one of them has called me since finding out about Draven. And one of them phoned me the other days and said, look sorry I missed your birthday, but I want to get you something what do you want. I said, don't worry about it, I don't want anything right now except to get my cat better, he said, well I want to get you something so tell me what I can get you. SO I said, fine, whatever you were planning on spending how about using whatever you were going to spend on getting me that amount in a gift certificate for the grocery store, as the less money I have to spend on food or anything else frees up that money for me to put towards Dravens surgery costs, needless to say I haven't heard a word from him since, and this is someone who would call almost daily, but I guess because he doesn't really like animals he doesn't agree with what I said, <deleted> I don't know.
BUt the real tears came when I just got a call from a dear friend of mine whos in her 60's and she sais she wants me to stop by her work tomorrow and pick something up at the front counter, I said what is it hun, she said well you know I normally donate at xmas time to the spca, well you need it more right now for Draven, and seeing how they already have tones who donate they will be fine, its you that aren't fine so I want you to come and I'll have a cheque ready for you for $50, well I totally broke down, I'm not one to take charitiy and she knows this, but she got me really good. She said " Kelly you can't be two-faced, you always help others and think of others and thats great, but you have to let others have the joy of helping also, so don't deney me this pleasure in my life. Well what the hell do I say to that, I did say " your welcome to have anything I had to sell, which is some nice nice stuff" she said, there you go again, no I just want to give you this, its either you or the SPCA and I know you need it more.
You've always been the only one there for me when I need anything so please take it, and she went into tears, and I'm balwing my eyes. SHe's right though, I'm good at being the giver just not the receiver, so I guess I need to eat some humble pie on this one, god bless her.
Thanks for listening in my time of need, thank-you from the bottom of my heart guys :D :wink:

Laurie Strode

Post by Laurie Strode » Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:20 am

Bless her heart!! I'm so glad she came forward to help you out!! As for that other dude, well...don't have much good to say about him after all you helped him out with. UUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!! I wish money didn't make the world go 'round!! So frustrating!!!

One Eye'd Jack

Post by One Eye'd Jack » Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:37 pm

Dear dear DOD.... I SO wish I could do more for you than just be an internet friend. It's frustrating to see so many good people here down on their luck! :(

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Post by Haunted Horseman » Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:46 pm

DOD, so sorry to hear about your situation. :( But I must say you are really lucky to have a friend like that. She's really someone special. :)
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Post by LawP » Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:50 pm

Dutchess, I'm glad you have such a wonderful friend in your life. It's too bad your year-round kindess to others - humans and animals - didn't reward you more during your time of need. I'm sending as much positive energy your way in the hopes that everything turns out for the best. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Post by Dutchess of Darkness » Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:50 pm

Thank-You so much for your support everyone, it really means a lot to know there are some understanding people left in this world. I really appreciate the fact that regardless of how you may feel personally, none of you have shot me down telling me I'm crazy or worse for trying to come up with this money for my baby's surgery. A small few have been supportive here, as for the rest they have no clue just how much they've reinforced my ( Long held Minority) beliefs in the human spieces, But sadly they are soon to find out as I am learning a great deal more day by day about mankind and it's only deepening the long held beliefs I've held. I wouldn't say I'm becoming bitter cause I don't believe thats in my nature, but I am a whole lot wiser from this experiece, and the animal kindom will benefit greater for it :D Well I'm trying to look at it in a humorous light such as; Well I guess I can catch up on my sleep in the future here as my phone will fall on deaf ears to the calls at 1am 2am 3 am 4am for rides to and from work, to Er when they only live a block away, when they need money for rent,food cause they over spent on frilly stuff like holidays, anyways the list is endless, but they've made my life a whole lot easier :lol: And my babies a whole lot happier " more xmas presents for them"
I've never asked them to agree with my views, Hell I don't think anyone agrees with everyone 100% but it also doesn't mean we can't put our personal feelings aside and just be supportive and reserve our judgement during someones time of need.
Anyways, Thanks for listening ~HUGS~ :wink:

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Post by MHooch » Tue Nov 06, 2007 9:21 pm

DOD, I, too, wish we could do more than listen. You are such a sweet person, I hate that things are not going well for you. Thank goodness for folks like your friend, who understand and want to help. I know it's hard for the "giver" to be the "receiver", but rest assured that she really wants to help you, and it makes her happy to do so. I'm holding you and Draven in my thoughts and prayers.
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Post by Dutchess of Darkness » Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:00 am

Thank-You so much MammaHooch, that means so much to me ^v^HUGS^v^ :D


Post by hauntmaster » Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:57 pm

Hey, we didn't even forget about Jack Ryan! Well, we do miss him! :cry:

One Eye'd Jack

Post by One Eye'd Jack » Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:03 pm

Did something happen to Jack Ryan? He doesn't usually post very much. I'll bet he's still around. It's only been a few days since Halloween.


Post by hauntmaster » Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:27 pm

Yes, that's right... He only posted a few days away, and didn't come back after Halloween. Please understand that he doesn't usually to come around here so often, and he didn't post anything around here very much. I really don't know why. Maybe I guess he is too busy to do at home or work.

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Post by geekmidwinter » Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:16 am

Dutchess, I hope you and Draven are okay, I'm really sorry to hear about all your difficulties!

I'm back from Maine, we were gone for ten days, out in the middle of the woods, and just flew back in today! So with the wedding on the 27th, and Halloween that following Thursday, and flying out at 6:30am from an airport an hour away, I was just completely out of touch!

Anyway, hopefully now I'll be able to check in more regularly, and get a head start on Halloween 2008!
I saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's. His hair was perfect.

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Post by Dutchess of Darkness » Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:30 am

geekmidwinter, Draven's hanging in there like the trooper he is, he's such a star, amazing little guy he is, and I'm haning in there, just in a lot of apin and tired all the time, but still hanging in there. Glad you had a good time in Maine, would love to see some pictures some time, its good to have you back, spookytown isn't the same without you :wink:

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Post by MHooch » Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:20 pm

i wanted to bring this topic back up to the top, so that we can check in with DOD and see how things are going, and with OEJ about the job thing. Any news, guys???
Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus

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