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Post by uncletor » Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:11 am

I think about your little wonderful family member every day and wish him well, especially when Zontar the Wonder Cat decides to interupt my sleep and I count my blessings.
Take some deep breaths. Things will be fine. You will find the money and he will keep on keeping on..
,,,but WHAT is a draven????

An Edgar Allen Poe bird with a driving liscense...?

I know I should only burn in Hell for that joke...
Future events such as these will effect you in the future

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Dutchess of Darkness
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Post by Dutchess of Darkness » Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:51 am

Hey Uncletor, :D I'm so glad to see you back, I've really missed you. Draven is my youngest child "feline" so as not to get confused as some people don't understand my bonds :lol: If you look back you can see pics taken of him when he was around 6 months old I think it was. He's my Knight in Black shinning armor :wink: Loved the Edgar Allen Poe comment, not offened at all so no worries, I've always loved your fasinating terms :wink: Oh by the way, I did get your pm, but I'd like to wait til I have more energy to reply to it, I don't want to just ramble. Thank-You so much for keeping in touch though, it really does mean a lot, you're a sweetheart :wink:

Oh and Draven is a New Age Name, it means : Child of Beautiful Shadows. I hope to convince hubby to let me name our 1st Human child "if we get to have one" Draven, but for now he has an issue with it. But I think it's a wonderful name, and it's still unique. Personally I think it could be used for a boy or girl, although I do tend to lean more towards a boy for the name Draven, and also because I've always loved the Name Mina or Serenity for a girl :wink:

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Post by tomanderson » Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:52 am

I have one of my kitty friends here, he is having his dry food right now. He used to be a scratchy, dangerous wild cat and I called him "Old Hootie" because he seemed grouchy all the time. Now he's much tamer and he's relaxed enough to come inside the house and eat his crunchy food off a paper plate.

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Post by Dutchess of Darkness » Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:16 pm

Hey people, well we're off into Vancouver tomorrow morning "early, have to get up at what time I'm use to going to bed 4am" :shock: and take Draven in for his surgery, it's going to be a very long and stressful day. Would really appreciate as many good energies and prayers I can get. I'm becoming one stressed mom as the night passes, really wanting a smoke now I tell ya, but so far I'm hanging in there. Thanks for all your support and good wishes and prayers I've already recieved :D :wink:

One Eye'd Jack

Post by One Eye'd Jack » Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:25 pm

Good luck, hun and give 'um a BIG good luck kiss from OEJ

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Post by Dutchess of Darkness » Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:29 am

Thanks OEJ, and I will be sure to do that :wink:

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Post by tomanderson » Sat Nov 24, 2007 2:23 am

Yes, thinking all good thoughts for the little baby!

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Post by Dutchess of Darkness » Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:15 am

Hey everyone, well we got back home at around 6:30pm, quite and interesting day, things changed three times in regards to what they thought they were going to have to do, and well in the end we're soooooo glad we went to Canada West as they did they CT Scan, and he didn't end up needing the severly major surgery after all :D :D He still had surgery but nothing near what they had originally thought was going to have to happen, and finding this out was only possible with the CT Scan, so we ended up saving $3,300 dollars. But most of all, he's doing really well. He'll have meds 3 times a day I need to give him, and he did end up with the Horner's syndrom in his right eye from the procedure which was to be expected but should pass in a week to 3 weeks. I finally got him to sleep around 9pm, so because I layed him down on hubbys side of the bed and he is sleeping so sound, I told hubby to go to sleep on my side of the bed and I am going to sleep on the floor at the end of the bed, that way if he wakes up during the night I'll be right by the bedroom door to assist him.
I'm so happy with how everything has turned out so far, and I'm so grateful for everyones well wishes, good energies and prayers. Now it's just recovery time, meds and then check-ups and hopefully this is all behind him and I pray that he will never have any further health problems and will live a very long, healthy and happy life.
Will keep you updated. I can't believe I'm still up though. Finally got to sleep around midnight, up at 4am, gone by 6:30am, but thats what moms do right, ya just seem to keep going, and I'm one happy and relieved mom :D :wink:

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Post by tomanderson » Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:30 am

Sound like it's going good there, Dutchess! Excellent.

Oh, I remember when my neighbor and I were getting the alley cats fixed...we had to trap them and drive them to Burbank where there was a vet with a subsidized cat care was such a relief to get them back home and see that they were healing up okay. They were groggy little guys for several days but they got back up to speed pretty quick.


Post by kallie0509 » Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:39 am

DOD!!! that's wonderful! get some sleep, sugar and let us know how he's doing later! :D

One Eye'd Jack

Post by One Eye'd Jack » Sun Nov 25, 2007 4:50 pm

Doddy, That is such great news!!!! We are SOOOOOO happy for you!!!!
I just KNEW everything would turn out OK!!!!

Laurie Strode

Post by Laurie Strode » Sun Nov 25, 2007 5:37 pm

Wow, this is awesome!!! I'm very happy to log on and read this fabulous news tonight!! :D SO glad Draven's okay Dutchess, and with you by his side, he'll be back to fighting spirits in NO time....although with such spoilage, I can see him trying to milk it for a few days longer. :wink:

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Post by Dutchess of Darkness » Sun Nov 25, 2007 7:05 pm

Hey everyone, thank-you so much for your kind replies. He's doing better all the time, and even his Horner's syndrome appears to be resolving very quickly, he's such a trooper :D He doesn't care for his Banana flavoured liquid meds I have to give him twice a day, but he did well with the liver flavoured tab med I had to give him last night. So hopefully he'll still like the tab tonight. :wink: And the bloodly discharge from his ear has even all stopped and we cleaned it out like they showed us and it's not bleeding anymore, so I'm one very happy but tired mom :D Still need to catch up on my sleep. Finally fell a sleep at 3:30am. Hubby and Draven were sleeping on the bed, draven woke up to use the washroom and have a bite to eat, so after seeing him back to bed I thought I'd just lay down on them bed with them both, so I curled around Draven in a fetal position, and well past out, although I had taken 2 sleeping pills 1/2 hour ealier cause I was waking up around 2:30am instead of getting tired, damn sleeping disorder. So ya, when hubby woke up he said he went to look at Draven and said I was curled up around him :lol: I even had my bed ready on the floor and everything :lol:

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Post by Son-of-Thing » Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:23 pm

I actually care quite a bit for my banana-flavored meds (with the frozen mango chunks, orgeat, and, oh yes, Pusser's), though after taking a few rounds I also sometimes end up on the floor... :wink:

Glad to know your little tyke is progressing out of the woods nicely, Dutchess. Special thing to share the world with its nicer creatures... Hope all continues well.
"By My Prickly, Long-Stemmed Nose,
Something Wicked This Way Grows...!"

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Post by tomanderson » Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:46 pm

Sounds like a tiki drink there, Son!

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