SCROOGED Your Halloween movie for December/Christmas time

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SCROOGED Your Halloween movie for December/Christmas time

Post by uncletor » Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:42 am

Bill Murray plays a cold hearted TV exec who learns the lessons of Christmas, Charles Dickens style in this 1988 update.
Great make up and special effects, with decaying great ghosts, frozen to death corpses, walking dead corpses that loose arms, and a dynamite scene at the end with Bill trapped in a coffin whimpering;"Don't let me burn" as the flames cut inside the box and he has no where to run.
The message, if anything, comes out even better on this one then in some 'legit' adapations, and you realize how far we still have to go to help people, how little in some cases we have done since Dickens day to make things better for everyone. But at the same time, you WANT to try...
At the end, Bill turns to the camera and says;'FEED ME Seymour...FEED ME.." thats form LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS that he was also in...a remake of the Corman classic.
Keep your eyes open when he is telling his brother how he likes Christmas and how everyone is going to be home watching t.v. There is a band playing on the streets. One of the guys is Paul, from Letterman...the black guy on the horn is MILES of the giants of could a lot worse then buy yourself a copy of KIND OF BLUE to explore his sound further...
Future events such as these will effect you in the future

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Re: SCROOGED Your Halloween movie for December/Christmas time

Post by tomanderson » Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:12 pm

"Scrooged" is pretty darn good. It was going in risky territory by taking the classic story and redesigning it, "messing" with it in a sense, and it did the right thing: It "messed" with the material while still being respectful to it, and it created some really memorable scenes. Definitely recommended.

Haunt Master

Re: SCROOGED Your Halloween movie for December/Christmas time

Post by Haunt Master » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:10 pm

Scrooged is good movie! My grandfather always loves to watch it every year around XMAS!

Well, how about other movies? Like, The Nightmare Before Christmas? And, Black Christmas (classic and remake?) :D

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Re: SCROOGED Your Halloween movie for December/Christmas time

Post by Son-of-Thing » Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:05 pm

"Scrooged" is great fun for the holiday library -- I screen it every year, and also recommend it heartily.

My traditional No.1 fave, however, remains the Alistair Sim version of "A Christmas Carol" ('51). No Scrooge has ever excelled Sim's dour-through-manic transformation so compellingly. And Michael Horden's Marley's Ghost's banshee wail -- "BUSINESS?!? MANKIND was my BUSINESS!!" still chills the marrow. Lots of versions of this, but this one remains my absolute top choice.
"By My Prickly, Long-Stemmed Nose,
Something Wicked This Way Grows...!"

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