Sarah Palin

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Sarah Palin

Post by Nostalgiascape » Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:39 pm

I am actually very interested in John McCains pick for VP.
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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by DemonSlayerMau » Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:49 pm

You are too hm? I think she'll make an excellent candidate. Of course, McCain could just be appealing to the Female vote. After all, us women lost our chance with Hilary.
I liked her though. It's just too bad she isn't running for president. She'd definately have my vote, republican, democrat, wouldn't make any difference to me, long as she brought the jobs back and stuff.
I'm not sure about Obama, I heard he hates cats. o.o His name sounds too much like Islamic and like Osama Bin Laden o.o;
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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by HalloweenDot » Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:27 am

It was a smart move on McCain's part. It draws attention to everything that happened to Hillary and she is young and she is a she. Even if that influences 10% of the Hillary voters, that is a huge number. McCain did a great job timing it and keeping it from leaking too and as a result it stole Obama's thunder. Politically it was a good move so far. He has to hope he did a good job vetting her, of course.

Likewise, I believe Biden was a bad choice. He came and talked to a law school class of mine and he was a complete idiot. Truly. Stringing a sentence together seemed a challenge. Perhaps he was having a bad day, but it must've been a really, really bad day. Plus some of the things he has said were just imprudent and he tends to be unable to focus on a topic. So, if I were advising Barack, I would have advised him against Biden because there were a lot of other better candidates for him. Kerry would've been better, Gore would've been better. If he didn't want Hillary, and was worried about alienating the female Hillary fans there were better female candidates. All in all, I am not sure what he (or whomever was advising him) was thinking. ;-)
Nostalgiascape wrote:I am actually very interested in John McCains pick for VP. since 1994 - Chris

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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by Haunt Master » Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:02 pm

Hard for me to pick out... Obama or McCain?

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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by Nostalgiascape » Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:56 pm

When I boil the fat off of the whole issue, for me it comes down to voting for defense or voting for economy.
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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by Haunt Master » Sat Aug 30, 2008 4:13 pm

I think McCain will run the office this year... perhaps?

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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by HalloweenDot » Sat Aug 30, 2008 4:21 pm

Perhaps. I think it is too close to call and say who'll win right now. Much can happen in the next two months, no doubt someone will say something stupid and someone will do something stupid. And it just depends on who stupid the things are. :-)
Haunt Master wrote:I think McCain will run the office this year... perhaps? since 1994 - Chris

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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by HalloweenMelanie » Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:19 pm

Well, at least all this talk of Republicans possibly remaining in office for yet another four years is getting me in a terrifed mood. :lol: Just perfect for Halloween! (/running away screaming)

Don't any Republicans hold that against me...I hope we're all still friends here!

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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by DemonSlayerMau » Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:57 pm

Eh no offense taken really, 'cuz I'm not a democrat or republican. I honestly don't care who wins as long as they do a good job.
Personally I'd like to see Ralph Nader in office. :p
But I would also like to see a woman president.
Of course, I get tired about the democrat versus republican debate. There's OTHER political parties that always get looked over. >.<;
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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by Alan Wake » Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:03 pm

McCain announced his VP pick about a mile away from my house. lol.

I think McCain made a wise choice. Clinton supporters were wandering to his side after she quit, and now with a woman as a VP pick, it will only increase the number of women voters to his side. Palin is level headed, follows a code of ethics, and actually doesn't need to lam out insults against Obama's VP pick. Biden, idiotically, started insulting her after being picked.

Here's the perfect way to win an election: While the other person is attacking you, say 'I'm not going to attack you, because it would lower me to your level.' and it makes the other person look like an idiot.

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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by OctoberChill » Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:13 pm

Great move on McCain's part. I wouldn't say this is going to win the election but it should be cause for Obama to worry a bit.

She LOWERED her salary upon entering office.
She immediately sold the jet that the previous governor bought.
Her son is going to Iraq next year.

THAT is real change. An even better ticket would've been Ron Paul/Palin but I'll take McCain. Biden is a master at running his mouth. That's about it. Obama I fear will disappoint after 4 years when things don't exactly change as much as he said they would.

If McCain wins I'd say Palin would have a much better shot at being the first female president eventually than Clinton. Bottom line though is Palin was a strategic pick. If McCain will let her have the power she needs as VP, instead of just picking her to win the election, I think things will get better. Or maybe I'm just being optimistic? I have faith that one day the Republican party will be what it should be :)

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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by anrae79 » Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:13 pm

To anyone willing to read:
Seriously. McCain's VP choice was like a slap in the face to any person with a vagina and common sense. He only picked her because she's a woman, (appeals to to the females) she's young, (appeals to the students) and she's attractive (appeals to the men) Note: I never mentioned anythig about her intellect or experience. I guess he wasn't trying to appeal to those with at least a high school education. I honestly hope that Hillary supporters aren't that stupid. She's the anti-Hillary, the only thing these two have in common is that they use the restroom in the same manner. Seriously, she's had 20 months experience and McCain is already half-dead (between his age and his health). Do we honestly want a person with 0 experience and 5 kids running the country? At least Obama has had 8 years in the Senate and the #2 he picked has had 20 years. Also, for those that refuse to vote for him because his name sounds like Osama or due to his middle name...they are complete idiots! His parents gave him that name. He had no choice in the matter. Did you have a choice when your parents named you? And furthermore, our issues with that particular terrorist organization didn't even exist when he was born. I swear people should have to take intelligence tests before they vote. It's because of people like that, that we had a 2 term Bush, and soldiers being sent home in boxes.

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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by Nostalgiascape » Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:31 pm

Its not Obama's name that's the reason I won't vote for him. It's the amount of years he has attended the church and rantings of a hate monger. It is his even remotest ties to Islam, which is a religion represented by violence and degradation.

I will vote for Palin because she is old school. Pro life, pro guns. Her daughter is 17 and pregnant but keeping the baby and getting married. We need old school back because the "right and wrong is relative" ideology is killing this country.
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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by HalloweenMelanie » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:29 pm

Well now wait a minute. If she's so old-school, why didn't she teach her daughter better than to get pregnant at 17? ;)

I had to say that but I want to hold my tongue for further comment...people saying things like "Obama" sounds like "Osama"...and then voting based on such things...or complaining about someone belonging to a church where someone had certain views, but at the same time having no qualms putting and keeping in office a recovered alcoholic and ex-cokehead who dodged the draft...and that what makes a good vice president is that one is "old school"; I mean she must be, because she shoots animals--let's forget about the whole pregnant teenager thing (McCain met Palin twice, twice before deciding she was the right person to run the country should he drop dead; oh good, not too rash a decision-maker or anything, we're going to trust someone that jumpy with the ability to run or ruin this nation?)...really, I am scared for this country. But I like everyone here and I don't want to have to feel angry at anyone...I kind of wish this topic hadn't come up on this board... :( Because I'm angry now, and like annrae79, am outraged to the point of tears at the insult of putting pretty much just anyone with ovaries in there because we stupid women will vote for another woman, we're sooooooooooo gullible, just as long as she wears good shoes...G*d d*mn it but as a woman that makes me mad...

Ugh. Ugh ugh...I wish I hadn't read this thread... :(

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Re: Sarah Palin

Post by OctoberChill » Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:28 pm

It's arguable that Palin is MORE qualified to be President than Obama. She's the Chief Executive over an entire state and therefore the Commander over the Alaska National Guard as well. Sounds a little closer to being president than just being a legislator for a state. The decisions that she makes on a daily basis as Governor far outweigh the ones a senator makes. 2 years as Governor vs. 8 years as a senator really isn't as lopsided as you'd think it would be.

And she's the anti-Hillary? Thank God.

I'd shy away from judging her based on her daughter getting pregnant at 17. It's offensive to me and a lot of other people I'd imagine. My mom had me at 17. My grandmother was a wonderful mother as is my mom. Plus you never know what your kids might do when they're 17. I'm not trying to be rude at all Mel. I'm just saying. I don't want this to turn into a bashing thread :)
