Are you religious?

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Re: Are you religious?

Post by Rising Dead Man » Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:00 pm

Do you believe in any kind of creator?
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Re: Are you religious?

Post by Haunt Master » Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:02 pm

Like what creator?

Rising Dead Man wrote:Do you believe in any kind of creator?

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Re: Are you religious?

Post by Rising Dead Man » Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:03 pm

Do you believe the universe was created by someone, or it just happened?
Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
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Re: Are you religious?

Post by Haunt Master » Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:19 pm

Trouble is, how? Is there some proof that it had to have not existed, then at some later time existed? Is there a good scientific reason to not believe it was always there? (other than simply being hard to imagine).

And, my reaction is the answer I've never been able to get out of someone who holds the view that the universe was created by a god (or, whatever you want to call it) is where did that god come from? It seems comfortable to them to not believe something as complex as the universe or a creator capable of producing an entire universe could form out of nothing, or have always been there?

To me, it's not an explanation, it's passing the buck. :?

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Re: Are you religious?

Post by SpookShowBaby » Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:40 am

That is a very good point, that I have actually not heard before in arguments. I tend to get into those frequently when certain people with certain beliefs want to tell me mine are wrong and I should believe theirs.

So aside from passing the buck, how do you think the universe was created?
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Re: Are you religious?

Post by Haunt Master » Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:22 pm

How do I think the universe started? Well, that's a good question.

The actually answer to that question is unknown. I think that the consequence of the universe starting was the big bang thing, but what caused that nobody knows. The universe has always been there. It's everything in it started.

... God said, "Let there be light". Then, BANG everything was there! :?

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Re: Are you religious?

Post by DemonSlayerMau » Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:42 pm

I kind of think God has always been there.
I think about this a lot...and so my beliefs kind of vary a lot as well. While I do believe God exists within nature, I believe he/she does have some authority over us, and is neither male or female. I believe God is genderless and a great spirit. God's purpose is that of a loving creator and a maintainer of balance within the universe. Perhaps the devil exists to upset the balance. *shrug*
I can't prove whether or not God exists, but I do believe in him/her and the possibility that God exists.
Personally I kind of think life is just too complex to have not had a creator. If you look at how complex DNA and genetics are, how then is it possible that all of these genetics assembled themselves through process of evolution and natural selection. Well, there's a lot of variables if that evolution was unguided by a higher power. I'm finally learning to accept evolution, albiet with a grain of salt. However, I still believe a creator is involved somehow. A great designer. Where did he come from? I don't want to beat around the bush with that one, I simply don't know and think he/she has simply always existed.
This probably seems crazy, crazy, a graveyard theory,
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Re: Are you religious?

Post by Haunt Master » Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:54 pm

For more information all about Gods....

Go see

Some people believe there is only one God, some others believe there is more Gods and others believe in different regilious, you know, just like from middle eastern thought there is a God, who called "Allah".

Long, long, long time B.C. many people believed in many different kinds of gods, you know? Well, honestly, I am not the scientist myself, but I do wish GOD (himself/herself) would tell us who! :? :shock:

Even, some people warned me and others too about God.... if you ever see the face of God, then you will die immediately! :shock: I really don't know for sure, but is this true? I'm very interesting to know more about it! :D

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Re: Are you religious?

Post by TK421 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:03 am

New to the site -- happy reader.

Raised Catholic, now an agnostic. I can't disprove a god, or gods, exist or existed, but I find it hard to see their presence today. I think back to a one act play I saw years ago, where god is actually a student, and earth is his final project. It was a very cute play, where the teachers are grading him on the some of the odder things we have on this planet. I remember one of the teachers commenting, "Well, I don't know about the whole man and woman thing, but I sure like the little toes you made on all the mammels, they're just so cute!"

The most important thing in my view is tolerance. I fully believe people should be allowed to believe and worship the way they want (so long as it does not endanger others), and that people should not feel compelled to force their views onto other people. No one is right, and no one is wrong. In a much simplified viewpoint, I feel a lot of people argue about the color or make of the car, but rarely do people step back and agree -- it's a car.
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Re: Are you religious?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:43 am

My brothers and I argue about God and cars all the time. I'm a devout Catholic, and my brothers are agnostics just like you.

Likewise, we also have simular debates about cars. I LOVE Ford products, especialy the Mercury. My brother Jack is a die-hard GM fan. He swers that Chevy's are the best. Then Jim comes along and sings the praises of Dodge and other Cysler cars. He refers to Ford as "F&@ed Over Rebuitl Dodge"

But we all drive what we can afford. I've driven Dodges, Chevys, Fords, Hondas, Toyotas, Datsuns, and a whold host of others too numerous to mention. I presently drive a Chevy Aveo, which I bough when the gas went up to over 4 bucks a gallen. I fear that I will be driving that little Chevy for quite some time, but if I were to come into sudden wealth, I would probably switch to a Mercury Grand Marquis or a Mercury Mountaineer.


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Re: Are you religious?

Post by jadewik » Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:57 am


I love Chevrolet! My dad owned a Malibu for 20-years! Now I own one. Gotta love Baxter (my car). I also love chevy because I have extended family who are ME's and work for GM. I can get the employee pricing without the "employee pricing" sales. =)

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Re: Are you religious?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:40 pm

Like I said, Jade, we all drive what we can afford. I had a 69 Caprice that I bought for 150 bucks when I was a kid. I drove that car for 5 years, and over 90 plus thousand miles before I sold it to a junk dealer for the same price that I paid for it. That car was 10 years old when I bought it. It had a 350 V-8 with a 4 barrel carburater. Got terible gas milage, but was a terific running car. I also had a Pontiac Lemanse with the same type engine and carbuartor. That car was also a serious work horse.

I guess GM, Ford and Crysler make a pretty comperable product. I just happen to have a soft spot for Mercury because my dad owned two when I was growing up. He had a 58 Comuter Wagon and a 70 Monterey. I was hoping that the Monterey would be my car when I turned 16 and got my drivers license, but as it turned out my older brother ended up getting that car.


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Re: Are you religious?

Post by Rising Dead Man » Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:39 pm

Well, I just came back from church today. It is the first time I have been to church since..... forever. I will go back. I believe the whole thing about God creating us and The Devil was cast out of heaven into hell, blah blah blah.

I have always kind of believed in God. Now I think he is real and I want to learn more about my church. My parents are Mormon. I have only been to church a few times so I no not know a whole lot about it. I don't know if you would call me a Mormon because I have never been baptized. But I do believe God and Jesus and The Holy Ghost are real and I should repent and be baptized someday.
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Re: Are you religious?

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:32 pm

RisingDeadMan, I'm not trying to convert you to my way of thinking, but try attending a Catholic Mass some time. You also might want to check out other Christian denominations as well. That's not to say anything bad about Mormons. But there are a lot of ways that you can learn about God and other matters of faith.

Perhaps you should talk to your minister about bible study. All Christian churches offer it.


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Re: Are you religious?

Post by TK421 » Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:24 pm

I agree. Learn as much as you can about various forms of faith. When I was in high school, I took a world religions course. Part of our course requirements was to visit at least three different religious places of worship. It was a very good experience and I learned a lot. I suggest others to do that, too. Learn all you can, try and see things from multiple perspectives.
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