If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

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If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by adrian » Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:31 pm

What would we do? What would our mayor look like? Would we have cars? What would be the laws and how would our homes look?

This is a creative thread. I would like to hear ideas from all of you on how our town (if we from Halloween.com lived next door to eachother) would function, what it would look like. What's the weather like? Where is it? What kind of entertainment... sound fun? I'll begin..

It is a quite town. Full of hopes and dreams and dares.. Copper toned leaves cover the ground like a child's favorite blanket. Bowls of candy corn are brought out to the front porch at the sound of an old, trusty school bus squealing to a stop. And from there, children and their laughter come bursting out as if it were some happy time bomb, waiting to explode.......

Ok, do you get it.. sort of...? maybe... give it a try :) this is my first chain like thread so work with me :) have fun
Last night 'twas witching Hallowe'en
Dearest; an apple russet- brown
I pared, and thrice above my crown
Whirled the long skin; they watched in keen;
I flung it far; they laughed and cried me shame
Dearest, there lay the letter of your name!

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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by Alan Wake » Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:36 pm

Weather? Fall weather. Cool and crisp with a chilly breeze that knocks-about the golden leaves.

It would be amazing.

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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by Wicked Witch » Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:26 pm

Well - when I think of the perfect town - I think of the show on the SyFy channel - called Eureka - I love the way the town is set up - it looks so homey and peaceful. All kinds of crazy things happen there - but it is a neat town - everyone knows everyone - of course it is a town filled with Brainacs - so they have cars that drive themselves and experiments go wrong on a grand scale.
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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by Rising Dead Man » Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:31 pm

Every house on every street looks somewhat unsettling. From a big Victorian mansion, to a small rotting cabin, they all remind one of that one special night. The wind sounds like the sound of moaning spirits of those long since past. Up on a hill, lies the cemetery. The dates marking the earliest years of the existence of the town. The oldest grave belongs to Rising Dead Man, who died in 1647. Rumor has it that every All Hallows Eve, RDM rises from the grave and his old rotting remains can be seen dancing among the stones until dawn.

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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by adrian » Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:48 pm

The residents, who are they? what do they look and sound like? What do they do?
Last night 'twas witching Hallowe'en
Dearest; an apple russet- brown
I pared, and thrice above my crown
Whirled the long skin; they watched in keen;
I flung it far; they laughed and cried me shame
Dearest, there lay the letter of your name!

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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by Wicked Witch » Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:55 pm

During the day they look like your average residents - but once the sun starts to set - some of the residents experience changes.... :D
The Wicked Witch

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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by Alan Wake » Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:01 pm

The 43rd mayor of the town, Ashley J. Williams, fits well with the peculiar nature of the town. He is an amputee, which was caused by an "accident". Some say it was self-inflicted during a fit of insanity, others say it was indeed an accident. Instead of a prosthetic hand or some other usually normal replacement for a missing limb, he uses a chainsaw instead. Ashley, known as "Ash" to most people, is also the proprietor and owner of the local S-Mart franchise.


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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by Rising Dead Man » Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:06 pm

Most people avoid this town because we are what people call 'eccentric'.
Last edited by Rising Dead Man on Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
As though it were a slightly sour sweet.
Let terror, then, be turned into a treat...
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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by adrian » Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:11 pm

There is this one home, it stands on a corner like some giant, chiseled out of old ghost stories and classy murders... out of the tallest window of the tallest tower, there stands a figure.........
Last night 'twas witching Hallowe'en
Dearest; an apple russet- brown
I pared, and thrice above my crown
Whirled the long skin; they watched in keen;
I flung it far; they laughed and cried me shame
Dearest, there lay the letter of your name!

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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:27 pm

Here's how I see it. In order for a town to truely be the "all perfect" Halloween town, every house would have to be a MINIMUM of 100 years old, so we would be making house movers very rich. Secondly, we need a huge pumpkin patch where everyone can pick their own pumpkin to make Jack O'Lanterns. A spooky old cemetery is also essential, one that's supposedly haunted, and for an added feature, supposedly contains at least one grave that's supposedly a vampire's grave. It s for that reason that we would have to find the cemetery in an isolated spot, and then build the town around it some how. The local library would have to be stocked with plenty of horror and ghots stories in book and movie format. The town jail would have to be a chamber of horrors complete with torture devices and a couple of skelitons. All the roads leading into the town would be one way only, and would not lead out, but only in to the town. The town undertaker would double as the mayer, and there wiould be a town square where huge Halloween bonfires would be celebrated. Of course, Halloween would be a local holiday, and every time the 13th of the Month falls on a friday, a special "Little Halloween" observance would be held. Trick or Treat would be for the entire day of Halloween, and the candy would all be freshly maid for the event. MOST IMPORTANTLY, this town would need scary legends, ghost stories and fables. We need people to hear a weaarwolf houling in the adjoining woods, people seeing ghosts, perhaps an appearance by the vampire, and plenty of ghosts, orbs and things that go "bump" in the night.


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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by adrian » Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:31 pm

I like the idea of the roads that only go in.. as one would try to leave.. the road (that leads trhrough a thick wilderness that surrounds the town) would inevidably ALWAYS lead back to our little town :)
Last night 'twas witching Hallowe'en
Dearest; an apple russet- brown
I pared, and thrice above my crown
Whirled the long skin; they watched in keen;
I flung it far; they laughed and cried me shame
Dearest, there lay the letter of your name!

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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:40 pm

That's exactly it. Once you're in, you never get out. Of course on a practical side, that could lead to over population, but it won't be very oten that people will find out little town.

Hey, I forgot what we would call our town. What would be a good name for a town that h as no way out? Halloween Town is already taken by the movie. We need a creepy sounding name. How about Evilton. Yes, Evilton would work really great.


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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by adrian » Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:52 pm

Yes! Evilton... Luxury in the life of Sorrow!! i like it
Last night 'twas witching Hallowe'en
Dearest; an apple russet- brown
I pared, and thrice above my crown
Whirled the long skin; they watched in keen;
I flung it far; they laughed and cried me shame
Dearest, there lay the letter of your name!

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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by DemonSlayerMau » Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:05 pm

Let's not forget the crazy cat lady who owns 23 black cats. Yes, it has to be 23. She lives in an old log cabin, although this one is well kept up so it isn't really rotting. These cats help keep the rodents out of her pumpkin patch.
Some people have thought that perhaps this young woman was a witch, but the woman just chuckles at the idea. Just your average cat lover.
But late at night, this cat lady is said to become an anthromorphic cat herself, with a scythe she uses to fight off demons.
This probably seems crazy, crazy, a graveyard theory,
A ghost tried to approach me and got leery.
Ask him a question and he vanished in a second...

~ From a Ghost's Pumpkin Soup (Pumpkin Hill zone theme Song from Sonic Adventure 2) ~

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Re: If we (Halloween.com) could create our OWN perfect town...

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:55 pm

That sounds good, but all the cats have to be black. And while I'm not averse to a pretty young lady as a good witch and cat lover, we need at least one ugly old hag to fly across the full moon on a broom stick.


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