Autumn vs other seasons

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Snoopy/Red Baron
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Autumn vs other seasons

Post by Snoopy/Red Baron » Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:04 am

I have alot of friends whose favorite season is summer: beach, sun-tanning, pool, summer vacation, etc. Others love the rejuvenation of spring.

I think its safe to say that most of the people on this forum love autumn, the crisp air, falling leaves, shorter days and spooky nights, smoke in the air. My question is: Why do you think we are the type of people that love these things, this season, instead of, say, surfing weather in the summer?

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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by Spookymufu » Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:11 am

I wonder how many of us are night people as well, I know I am.
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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by adrian » Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:58 am

there are so many reasons that i love the fall...
now of course i love summer; the beach, women in less, vacationing, ect
but there's a certain type of feeling about the fall that i just can't shake. The air seems to just simply feel better, smell better. The colors that come with the season seem crisper, brighter, dying but more alive at the same time. The season takes me back to when i was young and the world was large and full of mystery. The nights are longer (which i love) And of course, its orange and black season!!
Treats, tricks, fires, friends, family, grilling, decorating, imagination. there's absolutely NOTHING that i dont' like about autumn.
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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by Murfreesboro » Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:21 am

I'm glad I live in a place that has definite seasons. I love the progression of the year and would probably miss all the seasons if it were perpetually one thing. But fall is my favorite. It was my grandmother's favorite season, too, as well as my husband's. I think a lot of people prefer the fall.

In addition to all the things you've mentioned, the autumn begins holiday season, which effectively starts with the run up to Halloween in October and doesn't really end until New Year's. It is the harvest season. The food is yummy, and I love to cook it.

I was someone who always enjoyed going back to school (in fact, I used to teach in college, so I never really gave up "going to school" until I became a stay-at-home mom). Early fall is the season of reunions with friends you might not have seen since the spring. Football is big in the South, and I have one son who really loves it. He doesn't play anymore, but he still follows the sport.

Down here the summer can be blisteringly hot. Not so much this year, but usually it is. So the fall brings relief from that.

Autumn is the best.

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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:08 pm

Halloween will allways be my favorite holiday, and October will allways be my favorite month of the year, but if we're talking about entire seasons, I have to go with Summer, because I'm an AVID motorcycleist, and the Summertimes affords me the most oportunities to ride. Autumn is a very close 2nd, and Spring comes in 3ird Place, but Winter, I can do without. Allthough, "The Wolf Man" is being released to theatres next Feb, and that's definately goig to take away some of those Winter doldrums.


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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by MyersFan1 » Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:57 pm

I am a person who loves all the seasons in their own special ways, but of course Autumn is my favorite. A few of the reasons for each are listed below.

Spring-New life, beginning of a new year, return of warm weather after such a long streak of coldness

Summer- vacation, summer break, beaches, grilling, swimming, long days.

Autumn- cool air, football season, clean feeling air, wonderful scents, always takes me back to when I was a kid, has a scary feel, beautiful colors of leaves, and of course HALLOWEEN

Winter- Snow, Christmas, fires, no allergies lol

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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by adrian » Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:05 pm

MyersFan1 wrote:I am a person who loves all the seasons in their own special ways, but of course Autumn is my favorite. A few of the reasons for each are listed below.

Spring-New life, beginning of a new year, return of warm weather after such a long streak of coldness

Summer- vacation, summer break, beaches, grilling, swimming, long days.

Autumn- cool air, football season, clean feeling air, wonderful scents, always takes me back to when I was a kid, has a scary feel, beautiful colors of leaves, and of course HALLOWEEN

Winter- Snow, Christmas, fires, no allergies lol

same here bud
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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by MacPhantom » Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:50 pm

The main reason I love Autumn is Halloween, but I also dislike the heat, so Fall brings cooler air, without being cold (sort of the reason I love Spring... warmer air, without being hot). I do also love Autumn because the first Tuesday in November is election day.

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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by Pumpkin_Man » Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:29 pm

In my neck of the woods, Fall and Spring can both be cold enough for a fire in the fireplace. In fact, I have already had 3 fires in my fireplace since I took delivery of 3 face chords of fire wood a week ago.

As for Autumn, it's not my favorite season, but it's a very close 2nd.


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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by LarissaAnn » Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:24 am

adrian wrote:there are so many reasons that i love the fall...
but there's a certain type of feeling about the fall that i just can't shake. The air seems to just simply feel better, smell better. The colors that come with the season seem crisper, brighter, dying but more alive at the same time. The season takes me back to when i was young and the world was large and full of mystery. The nights are longer (which i love) And of course, its orange and black season!!
Treats, tricks, fires, friends, family, grilling, decorating, imagination. there's absolutely NOTHING that i dont' like about autumn.
Ditto this. I can't say it any better.

Oh, and yes I'm a night owl. Right now it's 3:30 a.m. where I am.
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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by Ghoul of the Graves » Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:14 am

Autumn is my favourite season because;

-My hayfever is gone

-Days are getting shorter

-Trees and leaves are all great colours

-Days and nights are much cooler unlike summer


I dislike summer because of the heat and my hayfever :evil:
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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by Belladonna » Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:39 pm

Summer is good, swimming, barbecuing...but it's generally too hot for me.

I love the Autumn most - the smell of wood or leaves burning, the cool air, the wind constantly blowing, the colors against the sky. Halloween!

Love the Spring for the newness of it, everything waking up again.

I also love winter - the pristine smell and feel
Christmas after the rush settles down and it's just friends and family
The total silence after a heavy snowfall.
The way your breath seems to hang still in the air on zero temperature days without wind.
Ice skating
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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by adrian » Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:14 pm

there's some sort of a dead beauty about winter that i love
Last night 'twas witching Hallowe'en
Dearest; an apple russet- brown
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Whirled the long skin; they watched in keen;
I flung it far; they laughed and cried me shame
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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by CuriousCat » Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:20 pm

I like fall because I have less allergies and just generally feel better in the fall. It's cooler than summer, but yet not cold like winter. It's a great time to go on vacation because they start to drop their "tourist gouging" prices that they set in the summer. I like Halloween because it gives me an excuse to dess up and buy candy.

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Re: Autumn vs other seasons

Post by Belladonna » Mon Oct 05, 2009 8:22 am

True, Adrian.
There is something about that first snowfall that makes me want to hibernate, but we'd miss all the beauty in it.

And I agree Curious Cat...Autumn is a great time to go somewhere fun.
Cheap prices!
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