by Pumpkin_Man » Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:18 am
As a pro photographer who's been in the business for over 26 years, I can tell you in no uncetain terms, that you have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to walk into any place of business and start taking photos, without getting permission from the manager first. There could be many reasons why they wouldn't allow it, not the least of them being that it would make a lot of the customers uncomfortable. The store is also on contract with an add agency to do photos of their merchandise, and if you walk in there with a cell phone camera and start photograhing the various items for sale, that could put them in breach of that conract.
In simple terms, a store is NOT a public place or a public event. it's a PRIVATE business that's opened to the public. The purpose is that customers can come into the store, brous merchandise and make a purchase. If people who don't like being photographed, think they are being photographed against their will, they would leave, and that could be bad for business. It's like walking into any private property. You wouldn't go to a yard or garage sale and just take photos. Why would you walk into a Halloween Superstore and do the same? When I go on my 'haunted road trips," I try to get permission from the owners of the property or the powers that be to take photos and to enter the property. Usualy, abandoned places aren't really cared about, but it's ALLWAYS a good idea to ask first. It's essential when it's a place of busintes to ask first.